This was the most comprehensive study I was able to find that studied bioavailability across a broad number of forms of magnesium in a monogastric animal (albeit, a rat). Magnesium oxide is easy to source, cheap to buy, contains a lot of magnesium per kilogram, so you don’t need to feed a lot to achieve the level of magnesium you want in the diet and it appears to be readily absorbed in the small intestine. Organic magnesium is the most bioavailable form for horses. This is a process where magnesium simply moves from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration, so in the case of intestinal absorption, when the concentration of magnesium in the gut is higher than in the intestinal cells the magnesium will move across membranes to enter the body. As magnesium is needed for such a wide range of body processes, deficiency signs can present in an equally wide range of ways. For a 500kg horse in light to moderate work, a requirement of 10g per day is needed to counteract losses due to sweat. Dr. Getty is the Contributing Nutrition Editor for the Horse-Journal and she will be speaking at Equine Affaire in Massachusetts, November 7-10, 2013. It’s one of those ingredients people love to disagree over, should we use it, shouldn’t we use it, is it bioavailable or not for horses?? (MVP) Magnesium is recommended to help support the muscles to function correctly and aid the metabolism of glucose. Nutrient Requirements of Horses, Sixth Revised Edition. Magnesium can be absorbed a few different ways. But they can aid in reducing insulin resistance as well as protect your horse’s nervous system and muscles. Horse muscles can become stiff and thus makes work seem difficult. Exercise, sweating, and the stress of competition can increase your horse's Magnesium requirement. However, because the horse will only absorb a small amount of magnesium from Epsom salts, you will need to feed them more of it. To help with regional fat deposits, I recommend supplementing magnesium to bring it in line with calcium. Twenty pounds provides 22.7 grams of magnesium (20 lb X 454 g/lb X .0025) and 54.5 grams of calcium (20 lbs X 454 g/lb X .0060). Neuromuscular and behavioral sensitivities can also be alleviated with added magnesium. Nutrition. © 2020 EquiMed, LLC. Magnesium based calmers are by far the most common in the equine supplements market, yet experience from client feedback tells us that magnesium fails in far more horses than they help. Med-vet Pharmaceuticals Magnesium 5000 is another best magnesium supplement that you will not regret buying for your horse. Magnesium citrate has a much better absorption rate than magnesium oxide, but it is super tart in flavor, so many animals won’t eat it. Magnesium is a pretty common supplement to feed horses these days, partly due to the deficiency levels being quite high. Regional fat deposits, indicative of insulin resistance, can be reduced through magnesium supplementation (in combination with low starch/sugar diets and exercise), offering some protection against laminitis. Their results are summarised in the table below (Coudray et al 2005). Magnesium oxide. To help us understand which forms of magnesium are best for horses, let’s first look at where and how magnesium is absorbed. Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital. window.addEventListener('LPLeadboxesReady',function(){LPLeadboxes.addDelayedLeadbox('zcTfDVaJgzFXv8QjxNsha8',{delay:'5s',views:0,dontShowFor:'5d',domain:''});}); Magnesium for Horses: Which Form is Best? Many horse calmers are crammed full of magnesium because it is a cheap ingredient, and weighs a lot more compared to other ingredients, meaning they can sell the product as a large quantity by weight, at a low price, this looks great at a glance for a bargain hunter. Horse owners need to be aware that magnesium is in different forms such as citrate, oxide, ascorbate, which is the secondary ion. With so much focus on magnesium in equine diets, you may be wondering what’s the best form of magnesium for horses. The way the magnesium is calcined and its final particle size affect bioavailability, with product calcined at less than 800C or with a large particle size being less bioavailable. Poorly absorbed and has a high laxative effect. Dr. Nerida Richards is FeedXL’s resident equine nutrition specialist. To learn more about Nerida and to ‘meet’ the rest of the FeedXL team, check out our About Us page here. In the horse, magnesium is absorbed from the small intestine (Hintz et al 1972), with the second half of the small intestine being slightly more effective at absorbing magnesium than the first half. Lexington, KY. iiTo prevent enteroliths (intestinal stones), magnesium (as well as phosphorus) should never exceed calcium. Many different forms of magnesium are available for horses, ranging from very expensive chelated organic magnesium products to cheap inorganic raw materials. Obviously it is best to test your hay before supplementing magnesium. The insulin resistant animal responds well to large amounts of supplemental magnesiumi. Twenty pounds of hay testing at this level would provide a whopping 72.64 grams (72,640 mg) of magnesium. Factors to consider before you choose a form of magnesium for your horse. Magnesium and Laminitis in horses Magnesium supplementation has been advised by veterinary surgeons with excellent results. If your horse is a performance horse, the most likely answer is YES. iDryden, DVM, Vern. Magnesium Compounds; What's in a Name? Which of these routes of absorption play the most important role in magnesium transport in horses is unknown. Data in rats shows us that both organic and inorganic minerals are bioavailable and that both forms are capable of restoring blood magnesium levels in magnesium-deficient animals. This is based on research data in humans with metabolic syndrome showing improved insulin sensitivity. Equine Veterinary Journal, 12, 32-33. iv Divide amount of magnesium needed (in this case, 5 grams) by the percent magnesium in the source to get the amount of compound needed. There were no ‘major differences’ in the intestinal magnesium absorption between the 10 forms of magnesium studied. To obtain 5 grams of magnesium, divide 5 by .562 to get number of grams of MgO to measure. vNational Research Council. The results are interesting with 2 very clear points made by the authors (Coudray et al) being: They did however report that magnesium gluconate had the highest magnesium absorption and retention rate of all the products studied. Obesity and insulin resistance are common problems among horses in many countries and are key risk factors for laminitis. These foods are especially high in magnesium, and are listed from high to low levels (found in one cup): Not likely. Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. is a specialist in equine nutrition whose philosophy is founded on feeding a horse in sync with his natural needs and instincts. All ten salts, whether they were organic or inorganic were equally efficient in restoring blood magnesium levels in plasma and red blood cells in rats. Equine magnesium supplements: evaluation of magnesium sulphate and magnesium carbonate in foals fed purified diets. “The best way to test is to give magnesium and see if the horse gets better,” Worth said. Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is also highly available to the horse for absorption, but it also has an effect of drawing water into the bowel and causing diarrhea, so it is not recommended for daily use. Her comprehensive reference book, Feed Your Horse Like a Horse as well as books in her “Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series” are offered for purchase through her website and at Common organic forms of magnesium include: Magnesium citrate; Magnesium gluconate; Magnesium bisglycinate; These magnesium compounds are considered organic because the magnesium is chelated or attached to a carbon containing molecule. With a degree in Rural Science, a doctorate degree in equine nutrition and nearly 20 years of full time, on the ground experience in feeding all types of horses Nerida is able to help FeedXL members solve any problem they may come up against with feeding their horses. Whole food sources of magnesium are not nearly as concentrated as a magnesium supplement. You can find large quantities of it at most farm supply stores. Magnesium sulphate (commonly known as Epsom salts) and magnesium carbonate had both the lowest absorption and retention rates and this was confirmed by the fact these two supplement forms also had the highest faecal magnesium excretions. While this is only one study, it does serve to demonstrate, as the authors have noted, that all of these forms of magnesium are suitable and capable of restoring magnesium levels in magnesium deficient animals. There has been a lot of research published on magnesium uptake across several species, this is a link to a publication regarding magnesium absorption, in particular Table 3 on pages 5 and 6 is of interest. Consider this example: Your hay contains .25% magnesium and .60% calcium. Most easily absorbed but low concentration, necessitating larger amounts. Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. is an internationally respected equine nutritionist available for private consultations and speaking engagements. Magnesium for Horses – Which Kind? Horses generally do not get all the magnesium they need from their regular feeds since roughage such as grass is quite low in this chemical. Consequently, inorganic sources such as magnesium oxide, citrate, and sulfate have a higher absorption rate (70%) than magnesium found in natural sourcesiii. 1980. If this is not feasible, offer your 1000 lb horse a more conservative amount -- say 10 grams per day. Looking at these results only it would seem that magnesium gluconate or magnesium citrate would be the best forms of magnesium to use while magnesium chloride appears to be the most useful inorganic source of magnesium. To help with behavior or muscular issues, experiment by adding 3 to 10 grams of magnesium to the diet. My best suggestion is to purchase magnesium oxide from known manufacturers that produce magnesium oxide specifically for use in animal rations. Forages grown in areas of acidic or clay soils are typically low in magnesium. Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. - 05/04/2017 However, there are the following factors you should consider: It is easy to get caught up in the bioavailability of minerals and to lose sight of the bigger picture. There are many ‘forms’ of magnesium available and suitable to be fed as magnesium supplements. Mad Barn’s Omneity Premix is a fully balanced equine mineral and vitamin supplement that provides comprehensive nutritional coverage for your horse’s needs. This is particularly true during the spring months when the […] Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. There are many oral forms of magnesium; the best form of which is Di-magnesium malate. Magnesiem is the primary calming agent that helps relax the nervous and muscular systems. A small trial we conducted in 2008 suggested that magnesium calmers will only work in approximately 25% of horses – a pretty poor success rate! What are the signs of magnesium deficiency? Help your horse perform when … DIFFERENT TYPES OF MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTS FOR HORSES The easiest form of magnesium as a supplement for horses to absorb is magnesium oxide, however other forms are available - including Magnesium Glutamate, Magnesium Aspartate, Calcium Magnesium (dolomite) often referred to as CalMag and magnesium sulphate more commonly known as Epsom salts. However, magnesium needs to be balanced with calcium because calcium competes with it for absorption; therefore the magnesium content should be at least half that of calcium. Plentiful supply of magnesium is critical to supporting a healthy response to stress and especially useful when performance is paramount. Magnesium chloride is a very good source of magnesium as it is easily absorbed by the body. You hear about it a lot these days, particularly when it comes to treating obese horses, especially those with the telltale sign of insulin resistance: stubborn fat deposits along the crest of the neck and back, and behind the shoulders. Managing equine metabolic syndrome: Medicine meets farriery. To make matters worse, the form of Magnesium in even the best feeds and forages can't be readily absorbed by your horse. It is highly absorb-able, bio-available and has the least potential laxative effect. ‘Causmag’ is an example of a company that does this. Best Form & Dosage of Magnesium for Horses. According to NRC (6th Ed.2007), an intake of 20mg of Magnesium per kilogram of bodyweight per day is necessary to … Supplement additional magnesium to bring the Ca:Mg ratio to 2:1ii. When Horses Have Special Dietary Requirements, Five Steps to a Great Summer Horse Pasture, Sources of Magnesium for Horses Including Whole Foods, Flax or Chia seeds: 660 mg (high in omega 3s). This may be important when formulating oral replacement fluids for inappetent horses. Click here to join our ‘FeedXL Horse Nutrition Forum’ on Facebook! This has a lot to do with competition from calcium. Recommended Daily Intake The normal blood level for Magnesium in horses is 2.2-2.7mg/dl, according to National Research Council in 2007 (NRC), serum magnesium values below 1.6mg/dl are defined as hypomagnesaemia. 2007. And since magnesium is also involved with maintaining normal neuromuscular activity, supplementing it can have a dramatic impact on calming behavior, easing sensitivity, and improving muscle function and endurance. Since magnesium is involved with maintaining normal neuromuscular activity, supplementing it can have a dramatic impact on behavior, improved muscle function and endurance. Compound this with low bioavailability, and your equine friend may be getting just enough to prevent a deficiency but not quite enough to maintain normal hormonal and nervous system functioning. The supplementation serves not only to re-balance the diet in low magnesium areas or with high grain diets, but also to help in combating fat deposition in overweight animals (cresty necks). All rights reserved. Epsom salt. Equine magnesium supplements: evaluation of magnesium sulphate and magnesium carbonate in foals fed purified diets. So in this example, you should supplement an additional 16 grams of magnesium to bring the Ca:Mg ratio into balance. Horses deficient in this important element can show signs of nervousness, wariness, excitability, jumpiness, tight sore backs, muscle tremors and skin hypersensitivity. While the absorption rate is slightly diminished by calcium, whole foods boost your horse’s overall diet by adding additional minerals, as well as vitamins, fats, and protein. Continue supplementing until you see the fat pads start to diminish (can take several months); then reduce the amount of magnesium by half. The gastrointestinal tract only absorbs what the body needs and the rest is excreted in the manure. Part of this contention is due to the fact that magnesium oxide is a created ingredient… it is cooked in a process called calcination, that reacts magnesite with […] Many horses experience a borderline deficiency of magnesium because of its poor absorption rate from forages. Magnesium found in forages and feedstuffs is not well absorbed – only 40 to 60 percent. Ten horses living in the same paddock may show signs of magnesium deficiency in ten different ways, influenced by individual genetic traits that govern how much magnesium can be absorbed and how much is excreted.” A 2:1 ratio of Ca:Mg is appropriate and can be as high as 1:1. It contains 2.6% magnesium in the form of highly absorbable magnesium oxide, sufficient to meet the needs of most horses. Importance of nutritional balance in horses. Example, magnesium oxide (MgO) contains 56.2% magnesium. Minerals. Solvent drag, where magnesium dissolved in water in the gut is transported into the body as water is absorbed is a second route of magnesium absorption while active transport where magnesium is transported via some sort of magnesium pump that requires energy to operate and physically drag magnesium from the gut into the body is the third mechanism demonstrated in magnesium absorption. Magnesium oxide is the form of magnesium usually given to horses and livestock – probably because it is usually the cheapest form and it has a very neutral taste. It also means that blanket statements like ‘organic magnesium is more bioavailable than inorganic magnesium’ are not supported by this research as while 2 forms of organic magnesium were the most bioavailable, magnesium chloride and magnesium oxide were the 3rd and 4th most bioavailable according to this study. iiiHarrington, D.D., and J.J. Walsh. Magnesium Sulphate attracts water in the gut and can cause loose stools. Always remember when assessing a mineral source to look at bioavailability together with these factors discussed above. Assume that only 50% of the magnesium from your hay is absorbed; therefore, only 11.35 grams of magnesium is provided by this hay. Equine Veterinary Journal, 12, 32-33. ivDivide amount of magnesium needed (in this case, 5 grams) by the percent magnesium in the source to get the amount of compound needed. The combination is described as equine metabolic syndrome, and magnesium and chromium are often contained in supplements given to horses with equine metabolic syndrome. Example, magnesium oxide (MgO) contains 56.2% magnesium. Results should be seen within a week; if not, magnesium is not the issue. Magnesium supplements for horses. It is thought that very little magnesium is absorbed from the hindgut in the horse. The advantage of magnesium oxide is that the body will not absorb it if there is no deficiency, so it is difficult to overdose a horse on it. However, when you take into account the amount of each supplement you would need to feed to achieve the required daily magnesium dose, the cost of the different forms of magnesium, palatability and availability factors, magnesium oxide appears to be the most practical and cost-effective magnesium supplement available for use in horse rations. In taking all of these factors into account, magnesium oxide, which has been used as a magnesium supplement for humans and animals for decades is showing itself as an attractive option. Organic magnesium for horses. EquiMed® and Horse Health Matters® are registered trademarks of EquiMed, LLC. The magnesium found in natural sources is chelated (bound) to another molecule, such as an amino acid, to facilitate absorption. The concentration of magnesium drives absorption in this situation so the more magnesium present in the gut, the higher the concentration and therefore the more that will be absorbed. A relatively recent study (2005) published in the journal ‘Magnesium Research’ reported the magnesium bioavailability from 4 inorganic and 6 organic mineral salts of magnesium in rats. There is actually very little known about the bioavailability of magnesium in horses. While selecting fine particle size product is relatively simple because you can see particle size to a large degree (ie fine powders versus granular forms), it is going to be difficult to know in some cases how well the product was calcined. Elektra Magnesium® (Magnesium4Horses) – certified food grade magnesium chloride hexahydrate – has been used since 2009 by horse owners all over Australia as a horse feed nutritional supplement… It is an ideal magnesium for horses because it is so easy to … However, you do need to be careful with the type of magnesium oxide you buy and use. Looking at these results only it would seem that magnesium gluconate or magnesium citrate would be the best forms of magnesium to use while magnesium chloride appears to be the most useful inorganic source of magnesium. However, since the kidneys are responsible for excreting magnesium, supplements should never be given to a horse with impaired kidney function; this would result in high blood magnesium levels, leading to neuromuscular symptoms such as depressed behavior and ataxia. Best Guess mix is the best choice if your horse is not likely to be magnesium or selenium deficient. User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Dr. Getty is the author of the comprehensive resource, Feed Your Horse Like A Horse, and her articles and interviews often appear in national and international publications. When selecting magnesium oxide for your horses, use products from reputable companies known for producing magnesium oxide for use in animal rations and select the finest particle size product you can get. Magnesium plays an important part in nerve and muscle function. Magnesium toxicity is very rare as excess magnesium is excreted in the urine. Comparisons between three inorganic sources are shown below: Commonly Supplemented Inorganic Magnesium Sources and Concentrations. It is difficult to compare the bioavailability of various forms of magnesium between studies because different experimental methods and forms or qualities of magnesium supplements are used. Small intestinal absorption of magnesium is similar to that seen in humans, rats and rabbits. Unfortunately, at the moment there aren’t any extensive studies that look at the comparative bioavailability of these various forms of magnesium in horses. Pages 79-80. Magnesium is natural to your horse’s diet and efficiently regulated by the body. Quiet Life Calmer is L-Tryptophan based, not Magnesium based. Magnesium. Magnesium sulfate – 9% magnesium (Epsom salts – significant laxative effect) Bottom Line You have a lot go gain and little to use by trying supplemental magnesium to help … Magnesium sulfate, or Epsom salts, is a cheap source of magnesium that you can feed your horse. 2013. The normal blood level for Magnesium in horses is 2.2-2.7mg/dl, according to NRC, serum magnesium values below 1.6mg/dl are defined as hypomagnesaemia. The maintenance Mg requirement for horses has been estimated at 13 mg/kg body wt/day and can be provided by a diet containing 0.16% Mg (1,600 ppm of feed) or by adding Mg oxide at 31 mg/kg/day, MgCO 3 at 64 mg/kg/day, or MgSO 4 at 93 mg/kg/day. The recommended daily intake of magnesium for horses recommended by the National Research Council (2012) is 20mg per kilogram of bodyweight per day. EquiMed does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. According to the National Research Councilv, the maximum tolerable concentration is 0.8 percent. MagnaGard calms horses by addressing the needs of multiple systems, making it the best calming supplement for horses who are prone to colic or develop diarrhea from stress. Magnesium oxide is made via a process of calcination where a source of magnesium like magnesite or magnesium carbonate is burned at very high temperatures to produce magnesium oxide. It is thought the major process via which magnesium is absorbed is simply via passive diffusion. Best Guess mix in addition to any of the Balanced Equine mixes is ideal if you do need to increase the level of copper and zinc without the other nutrients: magnesium, selenium, and so forth being increased. Responds well to large amounts of which magnesium is best for horses magnesiumi their results are summarised in the form of magnesium you! Only 40 to 60 percent KY. iiTo prevent enteroliths ( intestinal stones ) magnesium! Even the best form of magnesium oxide ( MgO ) contains 56.2 % magnesium of it at farm. 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