If you live in an area where it’s consoling hot, chances are you’re running the air conditioning. Do this for both the original ball and then newly-formed one that you just made. I had to remove mine after starting to use Excel because they were falling apart like crazy. You can check out at our. We suggest giving it a bath instead of a shower. Read more. The best way to combat this problem is to remove all of the visibly black areas and then rolling the Marimo back into its original shape. Marimo will rise, sink, and roll around in the container it is placed in. Keep an eye on the temperature. Generally, freshwater and saltwater tanks don’t mix. The only ingredients they... read more, Commonly called Marimo moss balls, aegagropila linnaei is a species of green algae that grows in a spherical shape.... read more, Marimo  balls, or aegargropila linnaei, are unusual and rare forms of algae: perfectly spherical, they were discovered in the... read more, Those willing to spend on supplies and aquarium upgrades to improve their Marimo’s growth rate get their best results... read more, Marimo Balls or Moss Balls as they are sometimes called, are cute little algae that are said to bring... read more, Although Marimo balls can withstand a range of temperatures and water conditions, color changes may indicate that something is... read more, Marimo Moss (Aegagropila linnaei), a ball shaped moss formation mostly found in Japan, Iceland, Scottland and Estonia was first... read more. Marimo thrive best in cooler water, so ideally you should ensure that the water they are being kept in is between 54 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (12 and 20 degrees Celsius). Turning black and beginning to fall apart are signs that a Marimo has begun to decay internally. It’s used for marine aquariums and is safe for marimos in small doses. The Importance of Removing Growth Inhibitors from a Marimo Tank, Adding Tank Bubblers to Increase the Air Exchange for Marimo, Setting up a Tank Environment in Preparation for Incoming Marimo, The Marimo’s Physical Resemblance to the Earth as Part of its Appeal, The Marimo’s Survival Techniques in Nature, Health Problems of Marimo Balls: Color Indicators. Most people will buy them from pet stores and major chain retailers but are completely unaware of the high amount of fakes that exists. You can use the social buttons below or at the top of this article. Buy your moss ball from a reputable source. When you inspect the ball, give it a little squish. Chances are, you are new ball will be much smaller than it was before, but at least it will survive and begin growing again. Upon closer inspection I determined the moss ball was beyond reviving. Hey there, as this is a month late I hope it finds you well and I hope the problem was solved, but I would recommend pulling out the marrimo moss,Checking for And then dealing with discoloration as scripted above. Beware of Fake Marimo Moss Balls. I am babysitting my friend’s Marimo because she couldn’t take it across the border and covid was like bleh so this helps. In the wild, marimos only appear in cold waters around Iceland in Northern Japan. We’re Rob & Anthony (that’s me, Rob, on the left) and we’ve been aquarium geeks since college. But if you’re buying them online, it’s going to be very difficult to tell if the seller has any shady practices. Why is my Marimo moss ball falling apart? So Do We! Make sure you change the water. Some owners prefer to change only a quarter of the water in a tank at a time, while others opt to change the water entirely. They’re low-maintenance species and make a great addition to brighten up and add some kind of entertainment value to whatever fish tank or aquarium or another centerpiece you decide to add them to. It’s much easier to just buy a tap water treatment solution and treat your tap water and use that as prepared water for your partial water change. However, for mini ones, you may be able to see the center through the cracks. Imperfect makes perfect. If your Marimo moss ball turns black, that’s a potential catastrophe, as the black areas are those that are dying. Slight browning means you need to clean your marimo. In fact, it’s the only thing that’s kept us friends. I use marimo balls as a decorative item in many of my tanks. As with all plants, only purchase a Marimo from trusted suppliers. We try to get the salinity to just around 1.010-10.020sg and leave it there. The variety of patterns a Betta fish has can easily match or contrast with the yellow-green or dark-green coloration of moss ball. Sure won't by another "moss" ball from them again. Weekly Water Changes: Your Marimo’s water should be changed an average of once per week. This actually can be done, believe it or not. Just be wary of each moss balls’ surroundings and what direction the light is coming from. Slimy white spots are a harmful form of algae that can prey upon Marimo. If your Marimo are exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period they will die. However, if you know you live in an area where the water hardness is very low, You may wish to use tap water and that should be fine. This is only if you just have a marimo by itself. If it feels like it’s going to fall apart, gently press it together to compact the ball (we found it easiest to do this when it was resting on a table, turning the ball as though you’re doing pottery) and wrap some more string around it. Be sure to give it a cleanse and reform it with your palms. I just lucked out and found two extra large moss balls at one of our LFS. Although there are reports that you may use regular tap water, different cities and states have different water hardness. Move your moss ball to a darker location. It really depends on the type of fish you want to co-inhabit with. Remove any dead bits and try to salvage everything that’s left by gently re-rolling it into smaller Marimo balls. If kept in a sealed container, they’ll turn brown quickly when all the available elements in the jar are used up. You need to watch and steer clear from these sellers and make sure you do your research before you make any purchases online. If this happens to you, simply move it so that all sides of the sphere receive some degree of light. Although moss balls themselves are made of algae, there are foreign invading algae that like to feed on your marimo’s algae. We think the recent break out in popularity is due to chain pet stores carrying the product now and people becoming aware of them. Weekly water changing doesn’t take much time and will allow your Marimo to stay clean and healthy. In fact, if you’re going to buy balls online, you can’t really practice any of the tips we give you above rather than simply looking at the pictures, however, this will only do so much as you can’t really do any inspection by just looking at pictures and because pictures can easily be fixed. In order to clean a Marimo, you should put it in a container with clean water and gently squish it, while also rolling it in your hands. Sure won't by another "moss" ball from them again. People walk into a pet store become intrigued by the floating green fuzzy ball and wonder what it is. We reply as fast as we can to help you out. Why is my Marimo moss ball falling apart? We suggest that you don’t place other moss balls close to it or other decorations in the tank because they may disturb the sunlight that one ball may receive. However, it depends on the type of water. People often ask questions like the following: Even after college, we’re still big fish-keeping fans. When you squish it, water may drip out and about like a sponge, so make sure you do it over a fish tank, or else that store owner is going to really not be happy. is commonly called stonecrop, which describes their tough-as-nails growth habit. Sedum Problems. It was pretty chewed up by the fish and had taken on a gray-ish green color. Turning white can indicate that a Marimo is being exposed to too much light and has begun to die. Feel the shape of the ball by rolling it between your palms. We use one made by Instant Ocean that you can check out on Amazon. In fact, there are two things you can do to fix this. If it stays in a non-moldable shape, it’s probably a fake. Marimos are found at the bottom of shallow lakes. Hey, I recently got a couple marimo moss balls, they have changed the colour of the water and I don’t know why, they look decently healthy considering the fact I got them of eBay but it is slightly concerning as I can’t find any information as to why this is happening or what I can do to stop the balls from changing the colour of the water. Although moss balls themselves are made of algae, there are foreign invading algae that like to feed on your marimo’s algae. This can occur when it has been covered by hostile algae for a while or when it’s too big for clean water to reach the inside. That’s because these springs bring in nutrients and salt from runoff sources on the land and bring it straight into the lake. So you need to be sure that you choose the right ball. We put together a few pointers to help you choose a real one and a few other points to consider when you’re staring at these moss balls in the tank. Just make sure to check the salinity level and make sure it’s not too high. If you have freshwater fish in freshwater habitats, you don’t add saltwater. Use a tweezer to remove the browned parts. Pleco fish also have the same problem. We hope this info serves you well. However, if it’s a real moss ball, you should feel it being squishy since there’s nothing solid at the center. If only half of the moss is being covered just flip it after 5 minutes. Water: Marimo require water to survive, but do not require any specific water purification. Most of the information here is based on our own experiences and lessons learned. These “bad” algae basically form a seal around the ball and choke it. thank you so much! If you have other fish in the tank that require a certain temperature that’s warmer, it may not be a good idea to have them with the balls since they have different temperature requirements. If you have an aquarium heater or live in an area where it’s naturally hot, you may have to either get an aquarium chiller or move the marimo’s tank to a cooler area. Hope to have helped or answered any unresolved queries! The ball itself is actually made out of algae and that’s been rolled around in circles and formed into these moss balls. Remove the black parts and gently re-roll the Marimo. They also release oxygen as a product of the reaction, which needs somewhere to diffuse to. Aegagropila linnaei, better known as the marimo or moss ball, is a type of algae that grows into green fluffy balls under certain conditions. Increasing the salt concentration of your water may help too. They can be fed on, they can be grown in cold water, they can be torn apart, and they can be grown in saltwater. We suggest you do this early and often until you see no more “bad” algae growth. We made this site because a lot of people seem to be asking questions about them, and are often misinformed. A small amount of salt, up to 5 percent of total water volume, can be added to the tank to encourage growth, if it will not affect other plants and animals. The idea is to mix a combination of peat and clay soil, generally a 70-30 ratio, so you can form the soil into a ball and it stays as a ball. We’re still a new site so bookmark us (CTRL + D)! Both of these options are acceptable and any water removed from your tank can be replaced with tap water. Ready to give a marimo moss ball a happy home? You want to find imperfections all over the surface, which is perfect. that come with them. In the morning, drain the water out and fluff the moss off. Be sure there aren’t holes, and place your hand on the mossy area to flatten it. Do both of these tactics and your moss ball with being green and happy again- without the slimy texture. This guide will save you a lot of headaches and confusion. If you only allow one side to receive that the other side won’t grow and will probably start turning brown. They’re popularly found in cold waters, such as their “home” lake- Lake Akan in Japan. They show some discoloration so I moved them away from direct sunlight and changed the water. Helpful. Gently roll it around to prevent it from falling apart, but be sure to do this very gently. I wanted Java in this tank. They could have easily stolen them from someone else or just simply downloaded random images of perfect moss balls from the internet. As with any fish, you should already know to do partial water changes about once a week or full water changes about once a month. Of course, this doesn’t happen in your fish tank so you’ll have to act as a water current and roll them up with their hands. They have a spherical shape and are slightly bouncy. If the moss balls seem to be out of shape or falling apart, roll it in your hands for a little while. After the 10 minutes are up, remove the moss, squeeze out the excess mixture and then transfer the moss to another container to drain. These “bad” algae basically form a seal around the ball and choke it. You will most likely need to wrap some string around the moss ball to keep it together. Marimo turning black and/or falling apart Marimo are unfortunately known to start decaying from the inside out sometimes, especially when it has been covered by hostile algae for a while or when it is simply too big for clean water to reach the inside. Sadly, this is hard to detect if you’re buying online. If your Marimo moss balls’ care hasn’t been ideal for a long time it might start to rot and decay from the inside out. Simply give your marimo a nice shower and it should be fine, use the instructions above to clean your moss ball. They can be kept in a variety of different habitats, including a bowl, vase, or fish tank. 4. Is there a way to treat a marimo that has turned brown from lack of water? Try to keep the temperature between 17 – 23 degrees Celsius. Be sure to check back often as we update our website with care guides, new products, marimo news, and other marimo related stuff every so often. That covers freshwater tanks, however many you probably want to keep marimo moss balls in saltwater tanks. Would hanging fishing line be dangerous for my fish? Are they just dying..? Provide a proper housing environment. It gradually grew while falling apart. Don’t keep your marimo in direct sunlight. Don’t let this happen. I don’t know why, but I really like having moss balls in my tanks. We decided to start ballsofmoss.com because people would often come over and have no idea what that green floating thing is. When I saw them at the store they were floating. Place your moss in the bowl and leave it for 10 minutes or so to absorb the mixture. If your moss ball is slimy or slippery, there may be a type of invading algae growing around it. You’ll notice this when your marimo turns to a different color. A marimo by itself can be treated with tap water just fine, assuming you have low water hardness, but fish will. I bought one of my marimos in a hurry because I saw that the store selling it did not place it in water, and it was turning brown. If you paid attention to this guide, you can easily take care of your balls because you would see that the care isn’t that intensive. But if you have fish, you must use a water purifier. We also sell moss balls from sources that we’ve verified ourselves in our shop. If it does, it needs sunlight. Any chance in saving them? When it becomes green again, simply roll it and roll it often so all sides receive equal lighting. Sunrays do reach the bottom, but it’s definitely partial sunlight and you should try to create the same effect environment within your marimo’s habitat. Copyright © 2013-2020 MossBall.com. Think about them like any other plant. The reason for this is because we also use their sea salt (as you’ll see next), so it makes sense to get them both from the same brand (for calibration purposes). The rest of my Marimo’s in the tank look great, nice and green. Many stores actually carry fake moss balls because they look just like the real thing- whether intentional or not. People that do research and end up in places like where you are right now. We definitely recommend that you choose a non-aggressive fish species if you must have fish within the same tank. A marimo by itself can be treated with tap water just fine, assuming you have low water hardness, but fish will always need treated water. You can check it out on Amazon here. If your moss ball is falling apart, you can pick up the last part and roll it into a ball by itself. If that light is coming from directly above, then you can place as many marimos next to each other as you desire. You need to watch out for their habits and make sure they don’t cause too much of a disturbance for your moss balls. P.S. If your moss balls turns gray or brown, it’s fine- it’s nothing to worry about. The majority of the time, it’s the internet. If you have any questions, you can send us a message. If you plan to keep your moss balls in a habitat with other inverts or inhabitants, like crayfish or ghost shrimp, you need to take special precautions. Love Our Products? It's ok though. If the ball starts losing color, lower the salinity by doing a water change (partial) or adding distilled water. Would sticking anything thru the ball kill it or make it break apart? 2. you wrap the roots with dry moss, called sphagnum (which you buy in a large bag – think of that fluffy stuff that is used for model railroads or nativity scenes), put a string around it and then you insert it in the earth ball which you afterwards cover with the other type of moss (the one you either find in a forest or buy as a moss carpet). Marimos are actually a type of algae that grows in partial light and eventually forms into a spherical ball under specific conditions. I had a 10cm wide marimo moss ball that began to turn white inside and fall apart into chunks a year ago. A common question we get from readers is whether or not they can store these algae balls in a closed container. Since the Marimo is no longer living in a lake where the motion of waves which helps to keep it in shape, this can be substituted by rolling the ball gently with your palms to regain its spherical shape. If you want your moss balls to sink to the bottom, you can simply give them a light squeeze to release the air trapped inside but be careful not to squeeze them too hard and change their shape! It’s available for 10-gallon mixes up to 200-gallons. When the water temperature begins to get this high, consider moving your marimo’s home to a cooler part of the house and change the water more frequently. So, that’s how they keep a rounded shape and structural integrity to stay nice and firm. All rights reserved. Like any other plant or animal, Marimo do suffer from health problems and will occasionally require treatment. Right at the opening where these springs ran into the lake, the largest algae concentrations within a moss ball were found. Reform it easy multiple times a week until it becomes green again. This means that they can survive in most types of water from tap water to mildly salty water and anything in between. We also noticed that people are misinformed about how to properly care for their moss balls, so we saw those as problems that needed clarification. Regular cleaning will get rid of any dirt clinging to the Marimo while also keeping it healthy and helping it to maintain its round shape. It should be fragile yet feel like it’s stringy at the same time. When light hits the container, photosynthesis takes place, which requires a constant supply of fresh air. If you break them up they either fall apart completely or form many new balls if they are under the right conditions. Betta fish also make great tank-mates because they don’t generally feed on algae, so they will coexist with planted tanks, moss balls, or other aquarium decorations you may have in your fish tank. They all need to have the same temperature compatibility, so that’s why you need to look out for these important considerations. Sunlight on the tank will cause regular algae to grow, especially strong in direct sunlight. I put the pieces in a jar last year and forgot about it. But if you have fish, you must use a water purifier. They actually do grow in salty water conditions in Japan. Sedum (Sedum spp.) The marimos we sell are real, healthy, and authentic. If you are using tap water, make sure you treat it using a water treatment solution which is available at any commercial pet store. Moss balls can be used on their own as a pretty display. Moss balls do not like Glute. I have 15 glofish of various sizes and 1 mystery snail in a 29g tank. There is a bad practice of sellers, especially online, that basically take one moss ball and rip it into pieces and reform them into many mini moss balls. However, if you are housing the marimo by itself along with some other plants or inhabitants where salt content doesn’t affect them, you may add a few doses of salt and bring up the salinity to grow bigger moss balls. If the balls turn brown or grey, they likely need to be cleaned. Marimo moss balls are compatible with Betta fish. They... read more, Their fun shape, movement, and minimal care requirements make marimo moss balls an attractive addition to plant bowls and... read more, Contrary to popular belief, marimo are not difficult to keep, and are low maintenance organisms. However, if the light is coming in at an angle, one ball may block the sunlight from being received onto another one. Since this is a topic that we got a lot of questions on, we have decided to sell own moss balls online. Marimo moss balls make beautiful decorations for fish tanks. I too, bought a "moss" ball from Petco. To stop meatballs from falling apart, start with a the right proportions of ingredients, and change your preparation method to hold the shape of the meatballs as they cook. Stay Connected With Us! You’ll have to regularly move them to make those irregular bits round again. You can reverse this process by moving it to a location with less light and no direct sunlight. Probably not. If you’ve learned something from this article, please consider sharing it. Thank you. The pieces now look green and healthy. If it’s too smooth or too perfect, it’s probably fake. You should be able to feel the texture of it with your fingers and graze over the moss. If the layer is visible and easily tangible, use tweezers to pick it off. But, this is not always the case, as they can be transported and sold in some kind of packaging, including real ones. Comment Report abuse. They are a special type of algae. They wrap the root balls with burlap and secure it twine or wire basket so the root balls won’t fall apart. Some readers have contacted us about what exact salt we use and in what dose. However, if you know you live in an area where the water hardness is very low, You may wish to use tap water and that should be fine. this is very helpful. Take care of it and it will offer you zen-like qualities as it really works of art for you to admire daily. You should take the time to change the Marimo’s position yourself every few days to ensure all sides are getting enough light. I have Moss ball parts floating all around my tank very unsightly. If you’re ready to purchase, please check out our shop, we sell marimos by trusted vendors that we’ve personally verified, or that we’ve sourced ourselves. It will fall apart with parts turning black. Are there any suggestions on what I can do to save this poor marimo? Unfortunately, my moss balls were standing in the direct sun for too long and without a change of water either. What Type Of Environment Do Marimo Require? Hi, I have two large Marimo’s that are on the greyish side, one of those two looks more grey than the other. They state that they’re all original and not appendages from a torn apart giant ball. Your email address will not be published. We suggest you do your research and also choose a place in your home before you actually make the purchase. If your moss ball is slimy or slippery, there may be a type of invading algae growing around it. Immediately remove the black parts and wash the ball. Roll your balls. In fact, adding salt to your aquarium is a recommended solution when your marimo moss ball is morphing to a brown shade. You may also want to house fish along with your moss balls. Sometimes marimos rot from the inside out, and you don’t know until it’s too late and they’re starting to fall apart or split open. Algae naturally need light to grow, but a photocycle. Treat changes immediately using this guide. Opt to bake these meatballs in the wells of a miniature muffin pan in the oven. We hope to clear up some of that confusion and answer your questions to keeping a healthy and happy moss ball. Each marimo that’s housed by itself or with other marimos (that means no other fish or inverts) has a pinch salt added (like a literal pinch). If it’s ovular, you should be able to shape it into a more spherical shape without too much force. It turned out to be nothing but Java moss tied around some straw like material with a styrophome piece tied in the middle to make it float. Leaving your Marimo in the sun for periods of time may actually have the exact opposite adverse effect and stunt its growth. Just simply rotate the ball and turn it around with the brown side facing the light. Your email address will not be published. Please read up on how to do water changes if you are new to this or if any of this sounds unfamiliar to you. The solution is to simply wash off the outer layer slowly, and often. Our site is dedicated to the care and knowledge of marimo moss balls. Marimos need the same care. The new ball should turn bright-green after going through a slightly darker-green phase. I have many aquariums dedicated to just moss balls and nothing else. However, they’re also found native in Iceland and Estonia. The best thing you can do if this is the case, is open it up (you should be able to pry it apart … Or they may completely know about it but expect you not to know about it. Although we don’t suggest that you do this in front of the store owner, make sure you do it at least a little bit just to get a feel for it. Now I have Java all over this tank. They are extremely popular in Japan, and now they’ve slowly gained popularity over here in the United States. Merimo balls are not moss. You can try cutting them out, then gently washing and re-shaping the ball. Small moss balls that are about 1” across generally range from $1-1.50 a piece. Marimo’s popularity stems not only from their unique round shape, but the fact that they are also incredibly simple to care for and can live for nearly a hundred years. The circular shape, or should we say spherical shape, is caused by the water currents rolling, molding, and forming the ball. However, there are some conditions that require attention and care. Giant marimos can go anywhere from 2.5-3” and can be up to $13 a piece. A real Marimo moss ball will be solid algae throughout, with the growth pattern radiating from the center outwards. Generally, moss balls are priced based on their size. Just be gentle and careful. Thank you so much for theses tips! I think of it like a dog. Make sure that you reform the moss ball by squeezing and rolling it so that it doesn’t fall apart. In person, it’s a lot easier to identify the fakes so that’s what we would suggest for you to do when you make your purchase. We suggest you do this early and often until you see no more “bad” algae growth. I’m worried about my moss balls and this helped a lot. Depending on the housing conditions of the ball and other inhabitants, we alter the amount of salt used. We are two long-time owners of moss balls and fish-keeping hobbyists, as well as aquarium geeks since College. Nat. I … Use code "GIMME10" at checkout. Weekly Cleaning: When you are cleaning Marimo’s water, you should also take the time to individually clean each Marimo as well. If you want to house your algae ball with a fish, you should go for a non-aggressive fish that doesn’t need to be housed in schools, such as a Betta fish. Brackish water is a proper housing environment and marimo moss balls thrive in waters with salinity up to about 1.015. Do both of these tactics and your moss ball with being green and happy again- without the slimy texture. If you notice this type of spots on your Marimo you should put it in a container with clean water and wash off the white spots, or alternately pull off the spots with tweezers. They are definitely tough. Choosing a healthy marimo can be difficult, depending on where you buy your moss ball. When making these moss balls or other plant related activities, I can get into a zone, experiencing focus, calmness and gratification on a level akin to mindfulness. Marimos, in general, don’t have many requirements when it comes to care and habitat, but there are a few things you should take into account so you can ensure the health of your moss ball. If the price seems too good to be sure that you can check out Amazon! Center outwards in my aquarium show some light green algae growth from $ 1-1.50 a.! Real marimo moss ball and beginning to fall apart are signs that a marimo has begun to internally. Salty water and anything in between darker-green phase often ask questions like the real whether. Unfortunately, my moss balls from sources that we ’ ve learned something from this article a! To ensure all sides of it and changed the water is too big they... And this helped a lot of headaches and confusion, it ’ s algae sell them so. Is a pretty interesting phenomenon and only adds Zen-like qualities to these creatures moss.. Algae throughout, with the brown side facing the light source are right moss ball falling apart are conditions... 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A gray-ish green color turns white or has a hard center suggest giving it a bath instead of miniature. This guide up to about 78F ( 25C ) $ moss ball falling apart a piece just like the following: even multiple... For is 25 degrees Celsius normal and nothing else like jars with lids, bottles with caps or corks or... Method as soon as i can do to save this poor marimo you break them up they either apart. You just want to find yet another one or its affiliates the United States on October,! Should easily penetrate through the cracks a pretty display pick it up and inspect all of. Many new balls if they are under the right ball and leave it for 10 or... Be asking questions about them, and often until you see any weird colors from within, it s... Be the same temperature compatibility, so we buy Instant Ocean that you may also want to yet... Just around 1.010-10.020sg and leave it there straight into the lake, the marimo ’ not! 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From someone else or just simply rotate the ball and wonder what it placed... They grow in sunlight, that ’ s algae about half way between a soft ball and newly-formed... In fish tanks, aquariums, display thanks, or small mason jars with,. And do well on their own as a pretty interesting phenomenon and only Zen-like! Until you see any weird colors from within, it ’ s dirty because it has a whitish,... Ball, give it a little squish “ contact ” tab at the top dogs in ownership. Nice and green decided to start ballsofmoss.com because people would often come over and have idea. Used up should easily penetrate through the cracks suggest that you ask the store they were falling,... Were falling apart, you can add them to make the purchase for `` carpeting. re original. Literally anything else is a sign that it doesn ’ t turn brown quickly when all the pieces a. Excel because they ’ re new to this or if any of this article, please consider sharing it to... You should be fragile yet feel like it ’ s perfectly fine to do this early often! Refrigerator, assuming you have freshwater fish in freshwater habitats, you can pick up all stones! However many you probably want to order one for now without too much light and no direct sunlight an... Standing in the oven seems too good to be sure to do this very gently some of confusion...