Judaism however, condones abortion when the health of the mother is threatened by the fetus. A popular question surrounding this discussion Is whether or not the fetus has the right to life. Make connections to Plato and Aristotle, as applicable. Therefore, it is likely that the abortion off disabled fetus would reduce the amount of harm done to those involved overall. Other deontological arguments in regards to abortion have to do with different religions. The moral philosophy behind deontological ethics suggests that each person has a duty to always do the right thing. Get Your Custom Essay on, Deontological and Utilitarian arguments for Abortion, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, A Utilitarian and Deontological Analysis of Correctional Corruption, Evaluate a Utilitarian approach to Abortion, https://graduateway.com/deontological-and-utilitarian-arguments-for-abortion/, Get your custom Consequentialists thus must specifyinitially the states of affairs that are intrinsicallyvaluable—oft… It Is my opinion that abortion, completed early enough in a pregnancy, Is not an unethical act and should not be considered to be a decision that Is immoral. Deontology is an approach that focuses on the moral rightness or moral wrongness of a specific action. The religious traditions that all outline different opinions of abortion differ too much and too frequently to successfully establish abortion as wrong. Deontology (or Deontological Ethics) is the branch of ethics in which people define what is morally right or wrong by the actions themselves, rather than referring to the consequences of those actions, or the character of the person who performs them. Abortion or any other issue should be decided by the individuals according to their own situation and interests, mill suggests. This means that if an abortion is performed early enough in the process of development, it does not go against a fundamental human right. The view that all or almost all abortion should be illegal generally rests on the claims: (1) that the existence and moral right to life of human beings (human organisms) begins at or near conception-fertilization; (2) that induced abortion is the deliberate and unjust killing of the embryoin violation of its right to life; and (3) that the law should prohibit unjust violations of the right to life. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. Utilitarianism (also called consequentialism) is a moral theory developed and refined in the modern world in the writings of Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). With my primary maxim being, it is utterly We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Because deontological theories are best understood in contrast toconsequentialist ones, a brief look at consequentialism and a surveyof the problems with it that motivate its deontological opponents,provides a helpful prelude to taking up deontological theoriesthemselves. © 2014 The Authors. SOC 120 If a baby poses a threat not only to the health of a mother but to her evildoer, then the mother is has a right to decide if she will keep the baby. This […] Because there are differing opinions on the morality of abortion that come from religion, it makes them difficult to use as sources to argue one side or the other when different traditions support different sides like Judaism and Christianity. My argument Is based on Ideas that are rooted In both utilitarian and deontological ethics as I will show throughout the essay. Abortion is an ongoing ethical issue that attracts many different views from various races, religions and ethical groups. To help decipher this moral dilemma, moral, roots in Aristotle. Abortion in relation to Natural Moral Law and Utilitarian Ethics - Aran Cauchi. Stephen Napier (Dortrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Verlag, 2011), pp. Other deontological arguments in regards to abortion have to do with different religions. A classic deontological viewpoint of abortion is one that uses premises to prove a point: "1. Utilitarianism is defined as a doctrine that the, guide the work I do as a volunteer at Wise Choices Pregnancy Resource Center (WCPRC). This, I believe, makes deciding on a universal standard for he abortion issue based on knowledge of religion irrelevant. Deontology and consequentialism have nothing to do with food choices in the context of abortion. Health care professionals must make decisions based on ethical and legal issues to performance their regular duties, Consequence and Principles: Utilitarianism vs. Kant 's Deontology Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. This is the definition of abortion of which I will be reviewing its ethical status. For the purpose of this paper, abortion will be defined as the deliberate termination of human pregnancy. to give the gift of life rather than death. Like other ethic theories, Deontologist applies the golden rule of treating other people the way you would want them to treat you. Deontology can be broken down into three different theories: agent-centered, Abortion; as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary is, “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Determining whether a person’s actions are morally right involves look at the intent of the actions. Deontology And Abortion 803 Words | 4 Pages. This is generally thought of when there are circumstances where the fetus is causing a threat to the mother’s physical health. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. The arguments against abortion seem to rely rather in the deontological horizon of Kantian type, while abortion pros seem to rely on consequentialist horizon. The word deontology comes from the Greek roots deon, which means duty, and logos, which means science. In Christianity, the belief is that a life starts at the moment of conception and because of that, abortion isn’t condoned under any circumstances (English, 1975). The second part of deontology that agrees with a pro-life stance on abortion is the idea of treating people as ends in themselves, not means to an end. our expert writers, Hi, my name is Jenn Judaism however, condones abortion when the health of the mother is threatened by the fetus. Rather, factors other than good outcomes determine the rightness of actions. Deontology is an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong. Abortion is where the foetus/embryo is removed from the womb before it is able to survive independently. As well as the morally right obligation deontology entails, that being to choose. Abortion and Virtue Ethics By Mathew Lu Introduction My goal here is to consider what contemporary virtue ethics can say about the problem of Like most ethical issues, there are two sides as to what is the right thing to do. There are two major ethics theories that attempt to specify and justify moral rules and principles: utilitarianism and deontological ethics. The bioethical dimension in … The main argument on abortion, principles which dictate what is considered as morally ‘good’ and ‘bad’. And it is short for good reason: utilitarianism really has very little to say on this issue. There are people spread across both sides of the argument whose opinions vary in intensity and depend on different sources of information to back up their points of view. In the article, “Virtue Theory and Abortion”, by Rosalind Hursthouse, she explains her view on abortion without trying to solve the issue of if it is right or wrong. A Virtue Theorist would do things because it is who they themselves are, not because it is good to do them or because they will get something good from doing them. The philosophical arguments in the abortion debate are deontological or rights-based. Within ethics, there are many arguments as to whether abortion should be permitted in society as many regard it as an act of murder and others simply see it as a decision that should be given to the mother only. Destiny Vazquez If women are an oppressed group, they are the only such group to require surgery in order to be equal. With recognition has come This Is a very utilitarian way of looking at abortion because It looks at the decision and determines which choice will cause the least amount of harm to he mother, father, fetus, and society (BBC, 2013). A common pro-choice argument is that the mother of a baby has a right to defend herself against personal threats (Thomson, 1971). Looking at this Woman’s unfortunate reality with utilitarian human rights, the woman would be eligible for an abortion. Threshold deontology is the view that ordinarily moral duties consist of non-consequentialist side-constraints on the pursuit of the good but that in some cases these side-constraints are overridden. 2. I think that this decision is warranted because if the mother cannot sustain herself, then she will be unable to provide for the child in a way that would be beneficial to its own future and we unfortunately live in a world where there are already too many children that aren’t being well taken care of. 4/23/07My presentation discusses the actual choices and freewill involved with the act of. Again, according to Kant, abortion would be immoral because it would be irrational to will that every pregnant woman have an abortion. Selection and peer-review under … The consequences of not having the abortion out way the consequences of having the abortion. your own paper. It is important for medical professionals to understand the importance of the way we care for patients, it is therefore important to be knowledgeable and aware of the medical ethics and legal issues that govern good patient care. The view that abortion should in most or all circumst… (Meriam Webster Dictionary, 1) Utilitarianism and deontology have often been discussed throughout the history of ethics, and both have had many adaptations of the concepts. Abortion has been and still is a very controversial topic. This brings abortion into a more deontological concussion because the question is if the fetus has a claim on the fundamental rule that people have a right to life. Abortion Presentation. It is my belief that the concept of self-defense can be extended to issues relating to a mother’s ability to sustain her in society, which a baby can have a large impact on. The other side of the discussion believes that life hasn’t congruence with the second opinion because until a fetus has developed certain organs like the brain, which essentially creates a person as we would know them, it is not considered a person and therefore does not hold the same claim to the right to fife that further developed fetus and living people do. One of the few religions to condone acts of abortion is Hinduism. Nevertheless, it is safeguarded their right to consciousness objection. Others believe that the earth will be able to sustain itself to provide for new life. Deontology is an ethical theory that uses rules to discern the moral course of action. After Roe vs Wade, the supreme court simultaneously decided that women have the right of privacy under the 14th amendment; making it acceptable to abort a pregnancy within the first trimester (Vaughn 119). Miller. Don’t cheat.” Deontology is simple to apply. It is one of the most controversial issues that is brought up because there are so many different views. 2. But in a culture that treats pregnancy and childrearing as impediments, it surgically adapts the woman to fit in. Other deontological arguments in regards to abortion have to do with different religions. Both utilitarianism and deontology are normative ethical theories. ROSALIND HURSTHOUSE Virtue Theory and Abortion The sort of ethical theory derived from Aristotle, variously described as virtue ethics, virtue-based ethics, or neo-Aristotelianism, is becoming better known, and is now quite widely recognized as at least a possible rival to deontological and utilitarian theories. She goes, Ethics of Abortion Normative ethics is a branch of philosophical ethics that investigates the set of questions that arise when considering how one should morally act. Many believe that abortion is an answer to population control. Judaism however, condones abortion when the health of the mother is threatened by the fetus. Although a disabled person may be happy In the life they live, it is likely that many people have experienced things like emotional hardship and financial hardship caused by living with someone with a disability. Deontology is often associated with philosopher Immanuel Kant. Abortion, one of the most ethical issues debated today. Deontological and teleological ethics regarding abortion. Deontological Theory Teleological (Utilitarian) Theory In 250 words, briefly describe the basis, considerations, and steps of deontological ethics. The basis behind Deontology is that people are duty bound to act morally by certain standards despite the outcome. The current ethical issue of abortion is a broad and complex ethical issue which can be approached from many moral and ethical directions. Deontological ethics suggest that you should always do the right thing, no matter what. Don’t steal. Unlike utilitarianism, where the ends justify the means, deontologism argues that it is the means that are important. It also gives permission for its followers to discuss the issue n a case by case basis with their rabbi to determine the best course of action (BBC, 2013). Deontology comes from the Greek word for duty. Mill’s opinion is widely appreciated and followed in North American countries in modern times as his views advocate for the human rights and liberty in a greater amount. Is a person pro-choice or pro-life? The abortion pros from a consequentialist perspective of the teleological ethics Chances are that people will always dispute its terms. The current ethical issue of abortion is a broad and complex ethical issue which can be approached from many moral and ethical directions. Deontological ethics is a theory of morality based on a nonconsequentialist view of people and moral decision-making. It gives one an understanding of how an individual chooses to make ethical decisions. It just requires that people follow the rules and do their duty. It has been a widely controversial debate for many years dated back to even before it was made legal in the United States. As Vive outlined above, it is my belief that abortion is not immoral for many reasons. Deontological or teleological views are two major categories that many major religious views can be sorted into. In Christianity, the belief is that a life starts at the moment of conception and because of that, abortion isn’t condoned under any circumstances (English, 1975). In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Proponents of the pro-life argument usually cite how people who live with disabilities are happier to be alive with a disability rather than not being alive at all and therefore should be allowed to develop and try to live as normal a life as possible. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. Abortion is an ongoing ethical issue that attracts many different views from various races, religions and ethical groups. Monday, April 16, 2012 At WCPRC the mission is to help women make life affirming choices. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. Compared to some writings on abortion, it is very short. Many people debate whether abortion is an act of murder or an act of agency. The unborn is obviously a human life. If I were to include the arguments of other religious traditions I would have a list of many different rules for how to appropriately address the issue of abortion without compromising one’s morality. Introduction Your focus must be on the actions taken instead of the results achieved. This essay is an analysis of abortion in utilitarian terms. One where the woman has arrived into a utilitarian society and two she has arrived in a deontological society. Consequentialists hold that choices—acts and/orintentions—are to be morally assessed solely by the states ofaffairs they bring about. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before viability. The issue of abortion remains to be one of the most controversial topics in society, which, Critically evaluate medical ethics and legal issues Kant believed that ethical actions follow universal moral laws, such as “Don’t lie. 1 Published as Chapter 6 of Persons, Moral Worth and Embryos: A Critical Analysis of Pro-choice Arguments from Philosophy, Law, and Science, ed. Abortion from the Perspective of Moral Philosophies Thus, deontological ethics maintains that actions are not justified by their consequences. On one side, people believe that life starts at conception. Deontological or teleological views are two major categories that many major religious views can be sorted into. Two such directions can be the deontological Natural Moral Law and the teleological or consequentialist Utilitarian ethics. I believe this is important because although Hinduism isn’t “pro-choice”, like many democratic liberals In our country, It still allows for abortion to be an acceptable option in circumstances where not performing the procedure would cause more harm than he abortion itself. Abortion is no light subject. Deontological determinants about health professionals towards abortion indicate the practice accordingly the law. Another argument that surrounds the discussion of whether abortion is right or wrong is in regards to cases where the unborn fetus is known to have some kind of disability. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Intuitionists will predictably take this as "proof" of the "inadequacy" of … Medical ethics and legal issues have been a key topic in medical field for many years now. You can get your custom paper from This is not to say, however, that Hinduism is blindly accepting of all kinds of abortion. The debates revolve around the … Abortion from a Deontological Perspective Introduction Recently, there has been an increase in debates on the issue of abortion. I don’t believe that this Is a strong argument against abortion because It Is not only the life of the disabled person that needs to be considered. Instructor Slack The act of every pregnant woman aborting the fetus inside her would, ultimately, end abortion, which is completely irrational. [note 1] An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is often called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced. These theories focus on different philosophies or views that are used to either explain or make a judgment in regards to what is considered right or wrong in a given situation. She, with the use of Virtue Theory, simply says that an action is right only if a virtuous agent would do it were they in the same circumstances. That means situations are either good or bad based on the action that brought it about. Eventually this debate arrives at the conflict that decides when a fetus is really considered a person. Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/deontological-and-utilitarian-arguments-for-abortion/, This is just a sample. abortion. The services offered are free pregnancy testing, free limited sonograms, adoption referrals, abortion, The Consequences Of The Eight Elements Of Reasoning, The Merchant Of Venice, Antony And Cleopatra, And Dr Faustus, Sara Ruddick's Theory : Maternal Theory Of Mothering. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. It does not look at the consequences of such actions or the characteristics and habits of the actor involved. Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy through a medical procedure which results in the death of a fetus. Abortion doesn’t cure any illness; it doesn’t win any woman a raise. Some people think that abortion is completely and utterly wrong. Traditionally in Hindu culture, when considering circumstances where abortion is a possible solution to a problem, it is usually found that the procedure Is not the appropriate response to the situation and aborting the baby would have negative social and spiritual consequences. To begin with, ethical theories help explain why an individual believes that an action is right or wrong. 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