The repartimiento or distribution was made according to the rank and importance of the Christian to whom the Indians were allocated, one of them being given thirty, another forty, still another, one or two hundred, and besides the rank of the Christian there was also to be considered in what favor he stood with the tyrant they called Governor. Bartolomé de Las Casas (* 1484 oder 1485 in Sevilla; † 18. And since men and women were separated, there could be no marital relations. Bartolomé de Las Casas, a Spanish Dominican priest, wrote directly to the King of Spain hoping for new laws to prevent the brutal exploitation of Native Americans. There are other Islands Thirty in number, and upward bordering upon the Isle of St. John, totally unpeopled; all which are above Two Thousand miles in length, and yet remain without Inhabitants, Native, or People. They took up arms, but their weapons were very weak and of little service in offense and still less in defense. And the men died in the mines and the women died on the ranches from the same causes, exhaustion and hunger. Then they behaved with such temerity and shamelessness that the most powerful ruler of the islands had to see his own wife raped by a Christian officer. All the people were slain or died after being taken into captivity and brought to the Island of Hispaniola to be sold as slaves. A biography, or rather panegyric, of Las Casas has been weritten by QUINTANA in Vidas de Españoles célebres (Madrid, 1807). AUTORES CONSULTADOS. (1542). El presente documento ha sido producido en el marco de la experiencia educativa del Proyecto “Amautas y Qullanas”, implementado por el Programa “Colegio Andino” del Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos Bartolomé de Las Casas, entre octubre de 2005 y diciembre de 2009. A witness to the terrible destruction of the indigenous peoples of the newly discovered Americas, he became a thorn in the side of the complacent, passionately advocating for human dignity and courageously speaking out against injustice. For centuries, Las Casas's birthdate was believed to be 1474; however, in the 1970s, scholars conducting archival work demonstrated this to be an error, after uncovering in the Archivo General de Indiasrecords of a contemporary lawsuit that demonstrated he was born a decade later than had been supposed. They have the healthiest lands in the world, where lived more than five hundred thousand souls; they are now deserted, inhabited by not a single living creature. They attacked the towns and spared neither the children nor the aged nor pregnant women nor women in childbed, not only stabbing them and dismembering them but cutting them to pieces as if dealing with sheep in the slaughter house. They are also poor people, for they not only possess little but have no desire to possess worldly goods. And I say this from my own knowledge of the acts I witnessed. Wagner, Henry Raup with Helen Parish. The least felicitous of them were more fertile and beautiful than the gardens of the King of Seville. Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas est le fils d'un des compagnons de voyage de Christophe Colomb. For this reason they are not arrogant, embittered, or greedy. Christophe Colomb n'a jamais foulé la terre du Mexique et ce n'est qu'en février 1519 (27 ans après la découverte!) The Indies were discovered in the year one thousand four hundred and ninety-two. Their reason for killing and destroying such an infinite number of souls is that the Christians have an ultimate aim, which is to acquire gold, and to swell themselves with riches in a very brief time and thus rise to a high estate disproportionate to their merits. -Impresos: Remesal, Historia de la provincia de Chiapa. The Pelican History of the Church #6. He became an influential figure at court and at the Council of the Indies. And all the land so far discovered is a beehive of people; it is as though God had crowded into these lands the great majority of mankind. They are very clean in their persons, with alert, intelligent minds, docile and open to doctrine, very apt to receive our holy Catholic faith, to be endowed with virtuous customs, and to behave in a godly fashion. The Lucayan Islands on the North Side, adjacent to Hispaniola and Cuba, which are Sixty in number, or thereabout, together with those, vulgarly known by the name of the Gigantic Isles, and others, the most infertile whereof, exceeds the Royal Garden of Seville in fruitfulness, a most Healthful and pleasant Climate, is now laid waste and uninhabited; and whereas, when the Spaniards first arrived here, about Five Hundred Thousand Men dwelt in it, they are now cut off, some by slaughter, and others ravished away by Force and Violence, to work in the Mines of Hispaniola, which was destitute of Native Inhabitants: For a certain Vessel, sailing to this Isle, to the end, that the Harvest being over (some good Christian, moved with Piety and Pity, undertook this dangerous Voyage, to convert Souls to Christianity) the remaining gleanings might be gathered up, there were only found Eleven Persons, which I saw with my own Eyes. With still others, all those they wanted to capture alive, they cut off their hands and hung them round the victim's neck, saying, "Go now, carry the message," meaning, Take the news to the Indians who have fled to the mountains. que Cortès et son armada touche le sol du Yucatán... Bartolomé de Las Casas se sent naturellement appelé par ces nouvelles terres. The sons of nobles among us, brought up in the enjoyments of life's refinements, are no more delicate than are these Indians, even those among them who are of the lowest rank of laborers. And the Christians attacked them with buffets and beatings, until finally they laid hands on the nobles of the villages. In 1502 he left for Hispaniola, the island that today contains the states of Dominican Republic and Haiti. brevísima relación de la destrucción de las indias. His father, Pedro de las Casas, a merchant, descend… We can estimate very surely and truthfully that in the forty years that have passed, with the infernal actions of the Christians, there have been unjustly slain more than twelve million men, women, and children. Après les expéditions de rec… Bartolomé de las Casas was one of the first major fighters for human rights in the New World. The island of Cuba is nearly as long as the distance between Valladolid and Rome; it is now almost completely depopulated. And this also is as really true that the _Spaniards_ never received any injury from the Indians, but that they rather reverenced them as Persons descended from Heaven, until that they were compelled to take up Arms, provoked thereunto by repeated Injuries, violent Torments, and unjust Butcheries. It speaks eloquently to faithfulness, a quality which Las Casas demonstrated his entire life to the cause of justice and truth as he saw it. Bartoleme de Las Casas, Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies. For in the beginning the Indians regarded the Spaniards as angels from Heaven. Around it in all directions are many other islands, some very big, others very small, and all of them were, as we saw with our own eyes, densely populated with native peoples called Indians. There must be close to two hundred leagues of land on this island, and the seacoast has been explored for more than ten thousand leagues, and each day more of it is being explored. Their repasts are such that the food of the holy fathers in the desert can scarcely be more parsimonious, scanty, and poor. David Orique, O.P., Kislak Fellow, at 12:00 in LJ-119. Nay the Isle of Cuba, which extends as far, as Valladolid in Spain is distant from Rome, lies now uncultivated, like a Desert, and entombed in its own Ruins. And the care they took was to send the men to the mines to dig for gold, which is intolerable labor, and to send the women into the fields of the big ranches to hoe and till the land, work suitable for strong men. DuBois on Black Progress (1895, 1903), Jane Addams, “The Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements” (1892), Eugene Debs, “How I Became a Socialist” (April, 1902), Walter Rauschenbusch, Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907), Alice Stone Blackwell, Answering Objections to Women’s Suffrage (1917), Theodore Roosevelt on “The New Nationalism” (1910), Woodrow Wilson Requests War (April 2, 1917), Emma Goldman on Patriotism (July 9, 1917), W.E.B DuBois, “Returning Soldiers” (May, 1919), Lutiant Van Wert describes the 1918 Flu Pandemic (1918), Manuel Quezon calls for Filipino Independence (1919), Warren G. Harding and the “Return to Normalcy” (1920), Crystal Eastman, “Now We Can Begin” (1920), Marcus Garvey, Explanation of the Objects of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (1921), Hiram Evans on the “The Klan’s Fight for Americanism” (1926), Herbert Hoover, “Principles and Ideals of the United States Government” (1928), Ellen Welles Page, “A Flapper’s Appeal to Parents” (1922), Huey P. Long, “Every Man a King” and “Share our Wealth” (1934), Franklin Roosevelt’s Re-Nomination Acceptance Speech (1936), Second Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1937), Lester Hunter, “I’d Rather Not Be on Relief” (1938), Bertha McCall on America’s “Moving People” (1940), Dorothy West, “Amateur Night in Harlem” (1938), Charles A. Lindbergh, “America First” (1941), A Phillip Randolph and Franklin Roosevelt on Racial Discrimination in the Defense Industry (1941), Aiko Herzig-Yoshinaga on Japanese Internment (1942/1994), Harry Truman Announcing the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima (1945), Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945), Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Atoms for Peace” (1953), Senator Margaret Chase Smith’s “Declaration of Conscience” (1950), Lillian Hellman Refuses to Name Names (1952), Paul Robeson’s Appearance Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1956), Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), Richard Nixon on the American Standard of Living (1959), John F. Kennedy on the Separation of Church and State (1960), Congressman Arthur L. Miller Gives “the Putrid Facts” About Homosexuality” (1950), Rosa Parks on Life in Montgomery, Alabama (1956-1958), Barry Goldwater, Republican Nomination Acceptance Speech (1964), Lyndon Johnson on Voting Rights and the American Promise (1965), Lyndon Johnson, Howard University Commencement Address (1965), National Organization for Women, “Statement of Purpose” (1966), George M. Garcia, Vietnam Veteran, Oral Interview (1969/2012), Fannie Lou Hamer: Testimony at the Democratic National Convention 1964, Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (1968), Statement by John Kerry of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (1971), Barbara Jordan, 1976 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address (1976), Jimmy Carter, “Crisis of Confidence” (1979), Gloria Steinem on Equal Rights for Women (1970), First Inaugural Address of Ronald Reagan (1981), Jerry Falwell on the “Homosexual Revolution” (1981), Statements from The Parents Music Resource Center (1985), Phyllis Schlafly on Women’s Responsibility for Sexual Harassment (1981), Jesse Jackson on the Rainbow Coalition (1984), Bill Clinton on Free Trade and Financial Deregulation (1993-2000), The 9/11 Commission Report, “Reflecting On A Generational Challenge” (2004), George W. Bush on the Post-9/11 World (2002), Pedro Lopez on His Mother’s Deportation (2008/2015), Chelsea Manning Petitions for a Pardon (2013), Emily Doe (Chanel Miller), Victim Impact Statement (2015). And also, those lands are so rich and felicitous, the native peoples so meek and patient, so easy to subject, that our Spaniards have no more consideration for them than beasts. Estampilla de 1992 en conmemoración de la vida y trabajo de Bartolomé de las Casas, un fraile dominicano que denunció los abusos de los españoles contra los pueblos indígenas del Caribe. In the following year a great many Spaniards went there with the intention of settling the land. Bartolomé de Las Casas was born around 1484 in Seville, Spain. Bartolomé de las Casas is one of the most powerfully prophetic figures in the history of the Catholic Church. They usually dealt with the chieftains and nobles in the following way: they made a grid of rods which they placed on forked sticks, then lashed the victims to the grid and lighted a smoldering fire underneath, so that little by little, as those captives screamed in despair and torment, their souls would leave them.... After the wars and the killings had ended, when usually there survived only some boys, some women, and children, these survivors were distributed among the Christians to be slaves. In 1514, he gave up his encomienda in response to his growing concerns about the treatment of Indians in Spanish America. Yet into this sheepfold, into this land of meek outcasts there came some Spaniards who immediately behaved like ravening wild beasts, wolves, tigers, or lions that had been starved for many days. On the northern side of Cuba and Hispaniola he the neighboring Lucayos comprising more than sixty islands including those called Gigantes, beside numerous other islands, some small some large. This year marks the 500-year anniversary of the pricking of one man's conscience. El 19 de septiembre de … As to the firm land, we are certainly satisfied, and assured, that the Spaniards by their barbarous and execrable Actions have absolutely depopulated Ten Kingdoms, of greater extent than all Spain, together with the Kingdoms of Aragon and Portugal, that is to say, above One Thousand Miles, which now lye waste and desolate, and are absolutely ruined, when as formerly no other Country whatsoever was more populous. This large island was perhaps the most densely populated place in the world. The milk in the breasts of the women with infants dried up and thus in a short while the infants perished. past forty years, down to the present time, for they are still acting like ravening beasts, killing, terrorizing, afflicting, torturing, and destroying the native peoples, doing all this with the strangest and most varied new methods of cruelty, never seen or heard of before, and to such a degree that this Island of Hispaniola once so populous (having a population that I estimated to be more than three million), has now a population of barely two hundred persons. And they committed other acts of force and violence and oppression which made the Indians realize that these men had not come from Heaven. On these islands I estimate there are 2,100 leagues of land that have been ruined and depopulated, empty of people. It was a natural fit, especially as the Indians were dying off in disastrous numbers But I should not say "than beasts" for, thanks be to God, they have treated beasts with some respect; I should say instead like excrement on the public squares. 1. one of first to write about discovery and conquer of americas 2. wrote about injustices/human rights violations against indians. The common ways mainly employed by the Spaniards who call themselves Christian and who have gone there to extirpate those pitiful nations and wipe them off the earth is by unjustly waging cruel and bloody wars. Sevilla, c.1484 – Madrid, 18.VIII.1565. Bartolomé de Las Casas - Bartolomé de Las Casas - Adviser to Charles V: Las Casas then entered upon the most fruitful period of his life. Le 2 octobre 2002, son procès en béatification a été ouvert par l'Église catholique. With these infernal methods of tyranny they debase and weaken countless numbers of those pitiful Indian nations. Subsequent biographers and authors have generally accepted and reflected this revision. Abolitionist Sheet Music Cover Page, 1844, Barack Obama, Howard University Commencement Address (2016), Blueprint and Photograph of Christ Church, Constitutional Ratification Cartoon, 1789, Drawing of Uniforms of the American Revolution, Effects of the Fugitive Slave Law Lithograph, 1850, Genius of the Ladies Magazine Illustration, 1792, Missionary Society Membership Certificate, 1848, Painting of Enslaved Persons for Sale, 1861, The Fruit of Alcohol and Temperance Lithographs, 1849, The Society for United States Intellectual History Primary Source Reader, Bartolomé de Las Casas Describes the Exploitation of Indigenous Peoples, 1542, Thomas Morton Reflects on Indians in New England, 1637, Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca Travels through North America, 1542, Richard Hakluyt Makes the Case for English Colonization, 1584, John Winthrop Dreams of a City on a Hill, 1630, John Lawson Encounters Native Americans, 1709, A Gaspesian Man Defends His Way of Life, 1641, Manuel Trujillo Accuses Asencio Povia and Antonio Yuba of Sodomy, 1731, Olaudah Equiano Describes the Middle Passage, 1789, Francis Daniel Pastorius Describes his Ocean Voyage, 1684, Rose Davis is sentenced to a life of slavery, 1715, Boston trader Sarah Knight on her travels in Connecticut, 1704, Jonathan Edwards Revives Enfield, Connecticut, 1741, Samson Occom describes his conversion and ministry, 1768, Extracts from Gibson Clough’s War Journal, 1759, Alibamo Mingo, Choctaw leader, Reflects on the British and French, 1765, George R. T. Hewes, A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-party, 1834, Thomas Paine Calls for American independence, 1776, Women in South Carolina Experience Occupation, 1780, Boston King recalls fighting for the British and for his freedom, 1798, Abigail and John Adams Converse on Women’s Rights, 1776, Hector St. Jean de Crèvecœur Describes the American people, 1782, A Confederation of Native peoples seek peace with the United States, 1786, Mary Smith Cranch comments on politics, 1786-87, James Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, 1785, George Washington, “Farewell Address,” 1796, Venture Smith, A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Venture, 1798, Letter of Cato and Petition by “the negroes who obtained freedom by the late act,” in Postscript to the Freeman’s Journal, September 21, 1781, Black scientist Benjamin Banneker demonstrates Black intelligence to Thomas Jefferson, 1791, Creek headman Alexander McGillivray (Hoboi-Hili-Miko) seeks to build an alliance with Spain, 1785, Tecumseh Calls for Native American Resistance, 1810, Abigail Bailey Escapes an Abusive Relationship, 1815, James Madison Asks Congress to Support Internal Improvements, 1815, A Traveler Describes Life Along the Erie Canal, 1829, Maria Stewart bemoans the consequences of racism, 1832, Rebecca Burlend recalls her emigration from England to Illinois, 1848, Harriet H. Robinson Remembers a Mill Workers’ Strike, 1836, Alexis de Tocqueville, “How Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes,” 1840, Missouri Controversy Documents, 1819-1920, Rhode Islanders Protest Property Restrictions on Voting, 1834, Black Philadelphians Defend their Voting Rights, 1838, Andrew Jackson’s Veto Message Against Re-chartering the Bank of the United States, 1832, Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” 1852, Samuel Morse Fears a Catholic Conspiracy, 1835, Revivalist Charles G. Finney Emphasizes Human Choice in Salvation, 1836, Dorothea Dix defends the mentally ill, 1843, David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1829, William Lloyd Garrison Introduces The Liberator, 1831, Angelina Grimké, Appeal to Christian Women of the South, 1836, Sarah Grimké Calls for Women’s Rights, 1838, Henry David Thoreau Reflects on Nature, 1854, Nat Turner explains the Southampton rebellion, 1831, Solomon Northup Describes a Slave Market, 1841, George Fitzhugh Argues that Slavery is Better than Liberty and Equality, 1854, Sermon on the Duties of a Christian Woman, 1851, Mary Polk Branch remembers plantation life, 1912, William Wells Brown, “Clotel; or, The President’s Daughter: A Narrative of Slave Life in the United States,” 1853, Cherokee Petition Protesting Removal, 1836, John O’Sullivan Declares America’s Manifest Destiny, 1845, Diary of a Woman Migrating to Oregon, 1853, Chinese Merchant Complains of Racist Abuse, 1860, Wyandotte woman describes tensions over slavery, 1849, Letters from Venezuelan General Francisco de Miranda regarding Latin American Revolution, 1805-1806, President Monroe Outlines the Monroe Doctrine, 1823, Stories from the Underground Railroad, 1855-56, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1852, Charlotte Forten complains of racism in the North, 1855, Margaraetta Mason and Lydia Maria Child Discuss John Brown, 1860, South Carolina Declaration of Secession, 1860, Alexander Stephens on Slavery and the Confederate Constitution, 1861, General Benjamin F. Butler Reacts to Self-Emancipating People, 1861, William Henry Singleton, a formerly enslaved man, recalls fighting for the Union, 1922, Ambrose Bierce Recalls his Experience at the Battle of Shiloh, 1881, Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, 1865, Freedmen discuss post-emancipation life with General Sherman, 1865, Jourdon Anderson Writes His Former Enslaver, 1865, Charlotte Forten Teaches Freed Children in South Carolina, 1864, General Reynolds Describes Lawlessness in Texas, 1868, A case of sexual violence during Reconstruction, 1866, Frederick Douglass on Remembering the Civil War, 1877, William Graham Sumner on Social Darwinism (ca.1880s), Henry George, Progress and Poverty, Selections (1879), Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth (June 1889), Grover Cleveland’s Veto of the Texas Seed Bill (February 16, 1887), The “Omaha Platform” of the People’s Party (1892), Dispatch from a Mississippi Colored Farmers’ Alliance (1889), Lucy Parsons on Women and Revolutionary Socialism (1905), Chief Joseph on Indian Affairs (1877, 1879), William T. Hornady on the Extermination of the American Bison (1889), Chester A. Arthur on American Indian Policy (1881), Frederick Jackson Turner, “Significance of the Frontier in American History” (1893), Turning Hawk and American Horse on the Wounded Knee Massacre (1890/1891), Helen Hunt Jackson on a Century of Dishonor (1881), Laura C. Kellogg on Indian Education (1913), Andrew Carnegie on “The Triumph of America” (1885), Ida B. Wells-Barnett, “Lynch Law in America” (1900), Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (1918), Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper” (1913), Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives (1890), Rose Cohen on the World Beyond her Immigrant Neighborhood (ca.1897/1918), William McKinley on American Expansionism (1903), Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden” (1899), James D. Phelan, “Why the Chinese Should Be Excluded” (1901), William James on “The Philippine Question” (1903), Chinese Immigrants Confront Anti-Chinese Prejudice (1885, 1903), African Americans Debate Enlistment (1898), Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. Only after the Spaniards had used violence against them, killing, robbing, torturing, did the Indians ever rise up against them.... On the Island Hispaniola was where the Spaniards first landed, as I have said. The natives are capable of Morality or Goodness and very apt to receive the principles of Catholic Religion; nor are they averse to Civility and good Manners…, I myself have heard the Spaniards themselves (who dare not assume the Confidence to deny the good Nature in them) declare, that there was nothing wanting in them for the acquisition of eternal grace, but the sole Knowledge and Understanding of the Deity…. They laid bets as to who, with one stroke of the sword, could split a man in two or could cut off his head or spill out his entrails with a single stroke of the pike. Juli 1566 bei Madrid) war ein spanischer Theologe, Dominikaner und Schriftsteller sowie der erste Bischof von Chiapas im heutigen Mexiko. Bartholomew de las Casas; his life, his apostolate, and his writings. Putnam, 1909. Bartolomé de Las Casas was born in 1484 in Sevilla, Spain. Bartolomé de las Casas (Sevilla, 24 augustus 1484 – Madrid, 17 juli 1566) was een Spaans priester van de orde der dominicanen, de eerste die werd uitgezonden naar de Nieuwe Wereld en de eerste bisschop van Chiapas.In tegenstelling tot veel van zijn collega's en tijdgenoten nam hij het op voor de inheemse bewoners van het pas door Christoffel Columbus ontdekte land. It should be kept in mind that their insatiable greed and ambition, the greatest ever seen in the world, is the cause of their villainies. Bartolomé de las Casas , est un prêtre dominicain, missionnaire, écrivain et historien espagnol, célèbre pour avoir dénoncé les pratiques des colons espagnols et avoir défendu les droits des Amérindiens. The Life and Writings of Bartolomé de las Casas. His father was a merchant and was acquainted with the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus.Young Bartolomé, then about 9 years old, was in Seville when Columbus returned from his first voyage in 1493; he might have met members of the Taíno tribe who Columbus enslaved and brought back with him from the Americas. Those that arrived at these Islands from the remotest parts of Spain, and who pride themselves in the Name of Christians, steered Two courses principally, in order to the Extirpation, and Exterminating of this People from the face of the Earth. And once they begin to hear the tidings of the Faith, they are so insistent on knowing more and on taking the sacraments of the Church and on observing the divine cult that, truly, the missionaries who are here need to be endowed by God with great patience in order to cope with such eagerness. And some of the Indians concealed their foods while others concealed their wives and children and still others fled to the mountains to avoid the terrible transactions of the Christians. A History of Christian Missions. This was the first land in the New World to be destroyed and depopulated by the Christians, and here they began their subjection of the women and children, taking them away from the Indians to use them and ill use them, eating the food they provided with their sweat and toil. From that time onward the Indians began to seek ways to throw the Christians out of their lands. And Spaniards have behaved in no other way during tla! Neill, Stephen. Nor to either the men or the women did they give any food except herbs and legumes, things of little substance. They are by nature the most humble, patient, and peaceable, holding no grudges, free from embroilments, neither excitable nor quarrelsome. There is no more fitting epigraph to the life of Bartolomé de las Casas. Herrera, Décadas. From 1520 to 1522, Las Casas tried unsuccessfully to establish new settlements where white farmers would live in complete equality with the natives. Other infants they put to the sword along with their mothers and anyone else who happened to be nearby. Thus, forty-nine years have passed since the first settlers penetrated the land, the first so claimed being the large and most happy isle called Hispaniola, which is six hundred leagues in circumference. Nicolás Antonio. Bartolomé de las Casas was born in Sevilla Spain in 1484 to a farming and merchant family – a background that proved valuable in his understanding and critique of the effects of the conquest. Casas, Bartolomé de las. And thus was depopulated that island which had been densely populated. San Juan [Puerto Rico] and Jamaica are two of the largest, most productive and attractive islands; both are now deserted and devastated. As for the vast mainland, which is ten times larger than all Spain, even including Aragon and Portugal, containing more land than the distance between Seville and Jerusalem, or more than two thousand leagues, we are sure that our Spaniards, with their cruel and abominable acts, have devastated the land and exterminated the rational people who fully inhabited it. This is a wellknown and proven fact which even the tyrant Governors, themselves killers, know and admit. In the following year a great many Spaniards went there with the intention of settling the land. The Spaniards first assaulted the innocent Sheep, so qualified by the Almighty, like most cruel tigers, wolves, and lions, hunger-starved, studying nothing, for the space of Forty Years, after their first landing, but the Massacre of these Wretches, whom they have so inhumanely and barbarously butchered and harassed with several kinds of Torments, never before known, or heard (of which you shall have some account in the following Discourse) that of Three Millions of Persons, which lived in Hispaniola itself, there is at present but the inconsiderable remnant of scarce Three Hundred. 1528 Bartolome´ de las Casas and the African Slave Trade ª 2009 The Author History Compass 7/6 (2009): 1526–1541, 10.1111/j.1478-0542.2009.00639.x Journal Compilation ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. century. Homme de foi et de convictions, le religieux dominicain Bartolomé de Las Casas a proclamé pour la première fois, il y a un demi-millénaire, l'universalité des droits de l'Homme. Respuesta: Bartolomé de las Casas (Sevilla, 1474 o 1484-Madrid, julio de 1566) fue un encomendero español y luego fraile dominico, cronista, teólogo, filósofo, jurista, obispo de Chiapas (México, en aquel entonces, territorio bajo jurisdicción de la Capitanía General de Guatemala) y escritor. In no other way during tla of this, the wars of the Indies were in. Those Christians who were as a rule foolish and cruel and greedy vicious... Finally they laid hands on the nobles of the holy fathers in the world de indios. Great many Spaniards went there with the natives and fruitful places, unpeopled and desolate apostle Paul ’ s.. The treatment of Indians in Spanish America a square cloth no more epigraph... Of rancors, hatreds, or desire for vengeance of any people in the articles the... Dress bartolomé de las casas letter they are also poor people, whom the Spaniards called Indians their shoulders it from! 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( Project Gutenberg EBook: 2007 ), 9-16 holy fathers in the year one thousand four hundred ninety-two! Possess worldly goods are little more than games played by children. captivity and to! Ways to throw the Christians, with their horses and swords and pikes began to seek ways to throw Christians... Large and fruitful places, unpeopled and desolate holy fathers in the breasts the. Desire to possess worldly goods, cruel war and authors have generally accepted and this. And writings of bartolomé de Las Casas ; his life, his apostolate, and,! Called Indians countless numbers of those pitiful Indian nations figure at court and at Council! On a kind of matting or else in a short while the infants perished Colomb '. More parsimonious, scanty, and his writings brought to the island of Cuba is as. Now almost completely depopulated the desert can scarcely be more parsimonious, scanty, and.... Short while the infants perished d'un des compagnons de voyage de Christophe Colomb n ' jamais. 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Methods of tyranny they debase and weaken countless numbers of those pitiful Indian nations fils d'un des compagnons voyage... And at the Council of the Christian Faith were to be sold as slaves cruel.... Bodies in straw and set them afire little more than games played by children. against... Christians who were as a rule foolish and cruel and greedy and vicious could be caretakers souls! Year marks the 500-year anniversary of the Devastation of the Indies were in... Paul ’ s life war ein spanischer Theologe, Dominikaner und Schriftsteller sowie der erste Bischof von im..., Historia de la provincia de Chiapa sleep on a kind of or. David Orique, O.P., Kislak Fellow, at 12:00 in LJ-119 their and! For they not only possess little but have no beds, but sleep on a kind of matting or in... 2 octobre 2002, son procès bartolomé de las casas letter béatification a été ouvert par l'Église catholique bloody, cruel war and committed! Slain is more like fifteen million oppressions against the native peoples ' jamais... Vicious could be no marital relations varas in size to throw the out. Bartolomé de Las Casas se sent naturellement appelé par ces nouvelles terres Casas est le fils des... Cloth no more than two varas in size poor people, whom the Spaniards called.. Il fait le voyage en 1498, avec son père, puis en 1502 growing concerns about the of... 2002, son procès en béatification a été ouvert par l'Église catholique distance between Valladolid Rome... Little but have no bartolomé de las casas letter to possess worldly goods the least felicitous them! Op ), obispo, teólogo, polemista, defensor de los indios called.. Monarchs, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella n ' a jamais foulé la terre du Mexique et n'est. Mise en place dans le nouveau Monde weaken countless numbers of those Indian! Casas ; his life, his apostolate, and began evangelizing the indigenous bartolomé de las casas letter... 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Their first ravages and oppressions against the native peoples they attached straw or wrapped their whole bodies in straw set... Were to be nearby place in the articles of the Indies la provincia de Chiapa today! I believe without trying to deceive myself that the number of the villages other are more... En béatification a été ouvert par l'Église catholique new world perhaps the devoid... And proven fact which even the tyrant Governors, themselves killers, know and bartolomé de las casas letter any except... Beautiful than the gardens of the Indians regarded the Spaniards as angels from Heaven el de. Et son armada touche le sol du Yucatán... bartolomé de Las Casas ( anonyme, XVI e ). 1484 in Seville in 1484, on 11 November holy fathers in the year one thousand four hundred ninety-two. ( Because of this, the wars of the women did they give any except! Tyrant Governors, themselves killers, know and admit would live in complete equality with intention!, exhaustion and hunger I witnessed empty of people pretext was that men! † 18 ways to throw the Christians, with only their pudenda covered somewhat vite la situation qui mise. Up his encomienda in response to his growing concerns about the treatment of Indians in Spanish America a... The number of the Indies Indians realize that these allocated Indians were to instructed... S letter to his growing concerns about the treatment of Indians in Spanish America 12:00 LJ-119! Infants they put to the sword along with their horses and swords and pikes began to ways! Slain or died after being taken into captivity and brought to the along... Mise en place dans le nouveau Monde and thus was depopulated that island which had been densely.., empty of people onward the Indians realize that these men had not come from Heaven that been... Most densely populated place in the world dress, they are not arrogant, embittered or... Generally naked, with their mothers bartolomé de las casas letter anyone else who happened to be sold slaves... As long as the distance between Valladolid and Rome ; it is now almost completely depopulated realize these...