There is a great range of reported yield increases for grain crops grown with Faidherbia from 6% to over 200% increase( Barnes and Fagg, 2003). Garrity DP, Akinnifesi FK, Ajayi OC, Weldesemayat SG, Mowo JG, Kalinganire A, Larwanou M, Bayala J (2010) Evergreen Agriculture: a robust approach to sustainable food security in Africa. Hopefully, more farmers will adopt AF practices. Vi Agroforestry has seen an immediate negative impact of the corona crisis on operations in the four countries in Eastern Africa, where we operate. Agroforestry is not only tomorrow's solution: trees already are widely scattered on farms and ranches, and in other managed landscapes. [2 ]. Such regions include Africa, the Middle East, and Australia. This tree’s “reverse leaf phenology” make it the perfect tree to intercrop with food crops because it drops its leaves and goes dormant at the beginning of the rainy season. High resolution aerial photos from 2003 to 2008 show that in the Zinder and Maradi Regions of Niger, 4.8 million hectares are in production, practicing FMNR growing Faidherbia(Reij et al. Other names stressing different... Agroforestry in Africa | SpringerLink 27 Oct 2020, World Agroforestry | Transforming Lives and Landscapes with Trees, Priority Food Tree and Crop Food Composition Database, What prevents landscapes in Indonesia from functioning well, Climate-change response: More trees on farms in Southeast Asia, Cattle urine’s planet-warming power can be curtailed with land restoration. Since the 1980s Nigers population has nearly doubled, yet it has been able to maintain its per capita production of millet and sorghum, the main staple of villagers diets( Reij et al. Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Strategy (2015-2024), Africa Union’s Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, NEPAD’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme, Amhara Forest Enterprise praise the breeding seedling orchards established in Ethiopia, More abundant tree species unlikely to return after droughts, POLICY SERIES: global agroecological transitions to sustainable farming: Kenya, Farmland Biodiversity Score in Rwanda’s report to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Key insights into land degradation from seven African countries, Forest Film Festival - December screening, Facing Food Insecurity on the Front Lines: Agroforestry Solutions in the Amazon Rainforest During the COVID-19 Crisis, Panama: Helping the rainforest help the Panama Canal, Beyond bans: Toward sustainable charcoal production in Kenya, Experts At biodiversity Conference Call For Linking Human And Livestock Health With Ecosystems, COVID-19 warriors: How Assam’s Mishings brought agroforestry back into practice. Our activities span over 44 countries in six regions. yield of 1t/ha compared with 4.5t/ha in Asia(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2008). Agroforestry regional manager West Africa PUR Projet is a global leader in supply chain sustainability. Africa as demonstrated by Garrity et al. The Green Revolution and other biotech solutions have had serious adoption issues for a number of reasons some of the main ones being that blanket technologies and inflexible solutions cannot be applied in Sub-Saharan Africa where land, soil, weather and culture are so vastly different from region to region let alone country to country. i enjoyed the opportunity to met the 5 of you at Tina’s Diner tonight. This was often combined with the practice of on contour rock bunds that helped to slow down water flow and prevent soil and nutrient runoff. Farmers have found that starting off with a 10mx10m grid of 100 trees/ha and eventually thinning down to 25-30 trees/ha is an optimal amount of trees(Garrity et. This program in partnership with local NGO’s provides tree seeds, nursery start-up material and AF trainings. CF also promotes the retention of crop residues in fields to help cover the soil, low tillage practices, and crop rotation that includes nitrogen fixation species and intercropping. The objective of this study was to document small-scale farmers’ agroforestry preferences for practices and technologies. The paper describes some of the outcomes of technology development and how this has evolved into a more client-driven process. A study done by the CFU found that maize grown in the vicinity of Faidherbia trees that were otherwise unfertilized, had an average yield of 4.1 t/ha compared with yields that were nearby but not within the tree canopy of 1.3 t/ha(Garrity et al., 2010). 1994). These lessons of sustainable, community and farmer led initiatives should be looked at for replication in other developing countries that are facing food insecurity, malnourishment, land degradation and low farmer income. Africa RISING early win project: Evergreen Agriculture to increase productivity and resilience of mixed farming systems in Tanzania and Malawi Evergreen agriculture is a form of agroforestry that integrates trees with crops, maintaining a green cover on the land throughout the year. Agroforestry is not a new idea; it is merely a new word used by scientists to describe ancient land use practices operated by farmers in many parts of the world. Throughout Africa, agroforestry systems come in a wide variety of shapes and forms. Lindsay Allen is a Graduate student of Agroforestry at The University of Missouri and a former Quail Springs resident. In just two years this program trained 120,000 farmers and with the help of the Irish Government has now expanded to 40% of Malawi’s districts, involving around 1.3 million people(Garrity, 2010). These programmes resulted in development and widespread promotion of innovative technologies and approaches to tackle land degradation, soil fertility and better rainwater management for smallholder land-users. Widespread use of this practice has been studied in Zambia, Malawi, Niger and Burkina Faso. Each office oversees, plans, coordinates and supports initiatives within their region, and maintains liaisons and partnerships with governments, development partners, learning institutions and civil society For Ecol Manag 64:217–230. Farmers started to experiment with traditional dryland practices of farming using small planting pits(zai) that helped concentrate nutrients and water at the plants root zones and helped them to last longer through dry spells. Your email address will not be published. Zomer et al. This allows optimal sunlight as crops are sprouting and since the tree is dormant there is minimal competition for resources. Evergreen Agriculture is the practice of planting trees in and amongst food/annual crops with the aim of increasing soil health, increasing farmer income and creating a more resilient farming system. Externally, our work contributes to several continental/international agreements and declarations including Africa Union’s Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, NEPAD’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)- specifically those addressing poverty, hunger, gender equality, clean and affordable energy, climate change, food and nutrition security, halting biodiversity loss and land degradation. Although pure cocoa crop stands remain the dominant model in Africa, they are running out of steam. Today, most cocoa is cultivated in West Africa in full sun plantations, and commercial chocolate is processed with high quantities of sugar. Researchers from the World Agroforestry center have surveyed farmers in Cameroon and West Africa and found that they preferred planting indigenous fruit trees, but that little scientific information was available for improved varieties of these species, thus providing an impetus for capacity building in agroforestry production. This handbook argues for a wide definition of agroforestry. This is where the Agroforestry practice of Evergreen Agriculture comes in as a vital resource. Gender issues in agricultural production have been well documented; however, very little is known about the contribution of gender and agroforestry to food security in Africa. To date Agroforestry has helped restore millions of hectares of degraded land and increased food production on millions of farmers land in Sub-Saharan Africa. This large transformation of the landscape has been estimated to provide 500,000 tonnes of additional food every year. Agroforestry is not a new idea; it is merely a new word used by scientists to describe ancient land use practices operated by farmers in many parts of the world. Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. By incorporating these two agricultural techniques,countries should expect two results. Currently there are 795 million people globally who are chronically undernourished with the majority of these people living in the global south, with the largest concentration in Sub-Saharan Africa( World Hunger Education Services, 2016). Subscribe and stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends on agroforestry. spite of these success stories, adoption has not been widespread in many parts of Africa, due to a number of tices, related to the performance of agroforestry prac-the political and socioeconomic environment or simply farmers’disposition towards trees on their farms. al 2010). World Agroforestry works throughout the Global South with footprints in Africa, Asia and Latin America. On the other side of the continent in Niger, food trees, fuel, fodder, medicine and timber trees have been traditionally incorporated into the annual main staple crops of sorghum and millet for centuries. We also closely work with governments in mainstreaming of agroforestry principles and practices into national development plans, policies, strategies, Institutions and projects. Production: Crops. Reij, C., Tappan, G., Smale, M. (2009). A large part of their success is due in part to this being an indigenous practice of the area, not a foreign idea. Agroforestry is one of the most conspicuous land use systems across landscapes and agroecological zones in Africa. The region hosted the Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA) and Southern and Eastern Africa Rainwater Network (SearNet) Unit. Whilst Patrick, who is the 2019 President of the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF), may be able to recognise agroforestry, it is doubtful whether many others “know agroforestry when they see it”. I want to teach the local children these practices, while allowing them to keep the yields from the land, stacking function and raising up a new generation of regenerative farmers. Agroforestry research and development in the region is implemented in a multi-faceted approach to enhance cross-country learning, experience sharing and effective use of resources to achieve impact at scale. These include dealing with climate change; low soil carbon; widespread forest, tree and soil loss leading to degradation; poverty; demographic upheavals and conflict; and securing equitable futures for all with a special focus on women and children. A similar story played out in neighboring Burkino Faso following massive droughts and farming failure in the late 1960s and early 70s. Agroforestry is a common system of production throughout Africa (Zomer et al. About two thirds of the small holder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa are unable to purchase inorganic fertilizer and have little or no access to manures or other inputs for their farms. Its success can also be attributed to the strategic targeting of working with women and farmer groups and taking a whole village approach to training and mobilization(Garrity et al., 2010). In addition to increasing yields and soil fertility Gliricidia, Tephrosia and Faidherbia have the added benefit of suppressing weeds, sequestering carbon and increasing water infiltration, making these trees an invaluable farm resource. Washington D.C. 2016. These systems, which for many local populations arevery important for food security, income generation and environmental protection,are found primarily in the semi-arid and sub-humid zones of West Africa.The document first provides a thorough description of their distribution anddiversity and discusses different ways of classifying them. World Agroforestry (ICRAF) is a centre of science and development excellence that harnesses the benefits of trees for people and the environment. Quail Springs May 9, 2017 Permaculture 6 Comments. 2010). In the 1990s after a few successful pilot programs and a lessening of restrictive tree policies which allowed farmers to cut and manage their own trees, there was an acceleration of farmers adopting FMNR. We test, promote and disseminate appropriate evidence-based and gender-responsive interventions that are context specific as well as increase understanding of trees and their numerous benefits. The African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE), was established in 1993 by 29 African tertiary agricultural institutions. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. & International Society for Plant Pathology 2010. Over the past 20 years Agroforestry(AF) techniques have gained more and more traction and respect for its ability to address some of these issues. Thank you again! To date Agroforestry has helped restore millions of hectares of degraded land and increased food production on millions of farmers land in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is done by taking into consideration various contexts such as agroecological and market conditions, social-cultural settings, local knowledge, prioritized local needs, as well as the national and sub-national (especially focusing on agricultural, forestry, development and climate change) plans linked to regional or global commitments. Despite the fact that there are large forces at play that are directly working against the implementation of AF practices in developing countries there are also many factors that make AF a very practical approach that offers long term solutions to poverty reduction, food insecurity and low farmer income. Through various donor-funded research and development projects, we aim to increase the adoption of agroforestry innovations, promote gender equality, improve income and livelihoods, to make agricultural landscapes more resilient as well as strengthen the capacity of our partners to deliver on transforming livelihoods and healthy landscapes. Required fields are marked *. The work is spearheaded by a network of highly experienced and capable international and national non … At the center of this type of farming system are women farmers who are frequently responsible for managing trees and as with other agricultural enterprises they do most of the work especially during the initial stages of establishment i.e. World Agroforestry works throughout the Global South with footprints in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Chocolate, or cocoa, is an agroforestry plant from the forest shrub (Theobroma cacao), native to the Amazon basin. With food shortages and increased threats of climate change, interest in agroforestry is gathering for its potential to address various on-farm adaptation needs, and fulfill many roles in AFOLU-related mitigation pathways. The adoption of Evergreen Agriculture and Conservation Agriculture by hundreds of thousands of farmers in Niger, Burkina Faso, Malawi and Zambia since the 1980s has helped create a strong evidence base for these AF farming techniques as viable solutions to increasing farmer income, decreasing food insecurity, while mitigating damaged ecosystems(Garrity et. Russo, R.O. Plant Soil 294:203–217, Barnes RD, Fagg CW (2003) Faidherbia albida. The tree then leafs out toward the end of rainy season, providing shade which helps reduce evaporation and protects the soil from solar radiation. Some local NGO’s started to promote FMNR in the 1980s as a way to regenerate land and increase crop yields through a program that provided food aid to farmers that practiced FMNR. Agroenvironmental Transformation in the Sahel: Another Kind of “Green Revolution”. Learn about our innovative research, programmes and global partnerships. Tropical Agroforestry[Tegrity Presentation]. These challenges have been aggravated by disasters and pandemics which have far reaching impacts on all spheres of life. A lot of the Agroforestry adoption and success can be linked back to the simple fact that this is a technology that is building upon Indigenous practices and is locally adaptable and flexible. Now more than ever, solidarity and humanity are needed, across all borders. The Eastern and Southern Africa region has structured its work across nine flagship areas: © 2020 World Agroforestry All rights reserved. The Taungya agroforestry system is of particular interest in the context of this project. 720-289-6070 call or text is good, or email. We send out a lovely newsletter once a month that will keep you up to date on our courses, tours, projects, and more! Our activities span over 44 countries in six regions. Farmers had traditionally practiced what is known as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration(FMNR) which is the observation of helpful trees naturally growing on one’s land/farm and letting them grow where they were naturally seeded by birds or other animals. A recommended combination for long term farm fertilization is to plant Sesbania, Tephrosia and pigeon peas for short term fertilization, Gliricidia for medium term since it can be coppiced continually for 1-2 decades combined with the planting of Faidherbia for full canopy cover which is slower growing and will be around for many decades(Garrity et al., 2010). 2009). There are still a few spots left if you are interested in being a part of the course, click here for more info and to register. FAOSTAT database. Mongabay Series: Global Agroforestry $85 million initiative to scale up agroforestry in Africa announced A coalition of NGOs recently announced “the biggest land restoration project ever seen,” starting with an $85 million project to scale up agroforestry in Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Kenya and Ethiopia. A strong multi-disciplinary team of researchers with a wealth of experience in the respective countries and the regional office help deliver on this mandate. Agroforestry technologies that are now available have great potential to improve the livelihoods of many households. Cocoa agroforestry systems in Africa - the art of reconciling sustainable production and ecological services This issue is also available in French and Spanish on the CIRAD journals website . She will be sharing her knowledge and love of permaculture and agroforestry at Quail Springs as an instructor at our upcoming PDC for International Development Workers that starts May 21, 2017. Would love to contact Lindsay Allen to request permission to reprint her essay on The MOON. 281 p. Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2008). However in the 1970s and 1980s due to drought, population pressures and non tree supportive government policy there was a large loss of the traditionally wooded farm lands. The Regional office is co-located within ICRAF Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya with country offices established in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. These lessons of sustainable, community and farmer led initiatives should be looked at for replication in other developing countries that are facing food insecurity, malnourishment, land degradation and low farmer income.