Established by a young couple, Taylor and Susan, in 2018 in an effort to build a business that is environmentally sustainable and matches our eco-friendly lifestyle. One of the key roles that mushrooms play in natural systems is the decomposition of dead organic matter. Despite more than four decades studying mushrooms, Stamets is a man who seems to genuinely enjoy preaching about their qualities. Winstead said there are many options for outdoor growing areas: pine/fir forest, shade structure, shaded greenhouse with irrigation, barn or outbuilding with some kind of misting system. Choice of substrate formula depends on what is available locally, the regional climate and the strain of shiitake grown. 1. This article appeared in the November 2014 issue of Acres U.S.A. Barbara Berst Adams is the author of the books, Micro Eco-Farming, and The New Agritourism: Hosting Community & Tourists on Your Farm. Some strains that start about the size of a fingernail can grow into 200,000 pounds of biomass in just a few months. Raw shiitake mushrooms are rich sources (20% or more of the Daily Value, DV) of B vitamins and contain moderate levels of some dietary minerals (table). Is log-grown specifically in demand in the farmer’s customer base? In the wild, shiitake mushrooms grow on fallen forest hardwood logs, and there are many different strains of shiitake. He told them no thanks. III. Mushrooms are a type of fungus that grows by feeding off of decaying tree bark or other materials. "Consuming large quantities can cause several adverse effects, the commonest of which are digestive problems like nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting etc," she added. The Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center of Lanesboro, Minnesota, for example, researched 52 different strains of shiitake to determine the best for cultivation on hardwood logs. Eventually moving to its current location, Cascadia Mushrooms now offers fresh shiitake and other mushroom varieties directly to consumers and professionals through the farm’s website, farmers’ markets and relationships developed with chefs and grocers. Shiitake extract may also cause digestive problems and increased sensitivity to sunlight. In the wild, shiitake mushrooms grow on fallen forest hardwood logs, and there are many different strains of shiitake. Connecting with the community and telling folks my story has always been my best sales strategy. The flavorful shiitake mushroom is native to Asia where it has been harvested wild from forestlands for centuries. This gave Winstead the opportunity to try growing different varieties of mushrooms and test which ones people liked the most and which ones he could grow successfully. “If you take one of our shiitake sawdust blocks and grow it outdoors it will be almost identical to those grown on logs,” said Winstead. Once that row is complete, the log is rolled to start another row 2 inches away, and this is repeated until the log is covered with as many holes as possible without them being too close together. He even goes to Burning Man, the desert festival in Northern Nevada, every year to talk about them. One trial showed that an oyster strain could reduce diesel contaminants from soil from 10,000 parts per million to just 200 ppm in about four months. The process isn’t an instant fix for a disaster, but it was shown to fully eliminate oil organically, without using the type of controversial chemical dispersants used in the Gulf of Mexico after 2010’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Taste and season with salt. Chitin is bendable yet tough. White button mushrooms have antioxidants that can reduce risk of heart disease. A few years ago, Stamets says that a Blackhawk helicopter hovered over the farm suspecting illicit activity. In fact, songyi mushrooms (also known as matsutake) have been used for skin lightening in Japan, Korea and China for centuries . It was founded by Alex Winstead, who studied mycology, botany and organic chemistry in college before starting the mushroom farm in his rented suburban basement and garage. For example, some cool season strains fruit between 41 and 68 F. Warmer season strains can fruit in temperatures as high as 86 F. It’s widely asserted that log-grown shiitake versus sawdust-grown most closely mimics nature and is a desirable choice as compared to large, commercial sawdust-grown shiitake. Shiitake mushrooms are a type of edible fungus that is native to Asia and can be consumed raw, cooked, or in nutritional supplement form as a powdered extract of the mushroom's contents. In a Ted Talk that Stamets gave in 2011, he tried to make the case that mushrooms have potential to do more for the planet than any other life form, humans included. Shiitake is used as an anti-cancer drug in Japan and sanctioned for this purpose by their FDA.It has many health benefits, such as it’s ability to lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol. “We grow almost all of our mushrooms on alder sawdust that is supplemented with bran and rye,” said Winstead. “But only 5,000 are employed.”. Lentinan is used by … These side effects are often when the mushrooms are consumed in large amounts but people with a sensitive stomach or multiple food allergies should eat these mushrooms with caution. Extensively cultivated throughout the world, this mushroom is … At FUNGUY’S MUSHROOMS, mushrooms are grown with passion! Stamets is one of the world’s leading mycologists (meaning that he studies mushrooms and their root structure known as mycelium). Log-grown shiitake have commanded higher prices over sawdust-grown shiitake, with log-grown enthusiasts insisting the flavor, nutritional value and texture are superior. For example, the owners of Field and Forest, a mushroom farm in Wisconsin, offer a helpful free video on their site which shows the process of inoculating logs with all three types of shiitake spawn — sawdust, plug and thimble. The growing medium for sawdust-grown shiitake, called substrate, includes hardwood sawdust and sometimes a variety of other dry ingredients such as straw, bran or rye. “About 50,000,” he said. (eds.) The dry ingredients for the substrate are mixed together with water and then placed in small transparent mushroom bags that are heat-resistant and breathable. “Conversely, if a log is grown indoors under controlled conditions the opposite will be true and the mushroom will resemble a typical commercial sawdust-grown shiitake. “I have fully fallen in love with shiitake,” said Winstead. Shiitake Strains. Plus, there are numerous variables and precise applications to preparing sawdust or choosing and inoculating logs which benefit from a hands-on and locally adapted approach to learning. The industry of composting urban waste for disposal differs from our mushroom composting goals. This mushroom has gained a lot of culinary ground since it was once wild harvested in the forests of Asia. Join our community of thousands using this information to build their own profitable, ecological growing systems. “Isn’t it amazing, ahh, I could smell this all day.”. Our varieties include, fresh and dried, Shiitake, Blue Oyster, King Trumpet, and Lions Mane, with more coming soon. RESULTS The results of environmental impact assessments of shiitake are shown in Table II. Stamets explained how the mushroom, if given time to boost its own immune system, could be a defense against chemical weapons that could spread infectious diseases like smallpox. To learn more, visit. is the world’s most useful farming, ranching and growing website. Their procedures are designed to replenish organic matter and humus in the soil by rapidly reducing carbohydrates and organic matter by 50% in one week. The “Do Not Trespass” signs and warnings that you’re being videotaped are part of Stamets’ plan to keep the farm secure, both from would-be thieves looking for valuable mushroom strains, and occasionally, from the government. The resulting sterilized sawdust is inoculated with shiitake mycelium and the bag set aside, often in a growing room, for the mycelium to grow or “run” — doing its natural job of breaking down wood. Shiitake and Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Jul 8 - Dec 31, 2020 Enroll. SporeShift Mushrooms NZ is a small scale organic mushroom farm in North Canterbury supplying a variety of high quality, gourmet mushrooms to local restaurants, markets and shops. We hope you enjoy eating our mushrooms as much as we enjoy growing them! Shiitake mushrooms have been used as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments, and is … But more than anything. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036, National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Partially cover and simmer gently over medium-low, stirring frequently, until mushrooms are soft and the sauce has reduced to coat the meat rather thickly, about 30 minutes. Winstead says that growing them “indoors versus outdoors” also plays an important part in the quality of the mushroom. Shiitake can be sold in a variety of ways, including as fresh mushrooms, dried mushrooms, pre-inoculated shiitake logs or sawdust blocks for backyard or tabletop shiitake mushroom growers and of course as value-added culinary products that contain the mushrooms. In: S.T. “It was a few years of trial and error, and after lots of growing and testing it was clear that shiitake was where I wanted to focus most of my efforts. How many mycologists actually are there in the world, I asked him as we walked through his backyard old growth forest that was apparently teeming with mycelia. Eritadenine from shiitake may exert antihypercholemic effects and regulate lipid metabolism by inhibiting S-adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase activity, and supplementation with both eritadenine and shiitake mushroom upregulated CYP7A1 mRNA expression that was decreased in hypercholesterolemic mice . It is also known to reduce inflammation. This type of spawn replaces the need for waxing by providing styrofoam caps already attached to the spawn. The farm sells mushroom kits and spawn through farmers’ markets as well as online through its website and garden centers. Mushroom biology: the impact on mushroom production and mushroom products. COURSE DESCRIPTION & GOALS: This online self-study course covers the basics of growing your own gourmet mushrooms, whether at home or as part of a business. Full course description. Shiitake mushrooms have been known to boost immunity and lower cholesterol. As its taste and nutritional value become more and more known and desired in North America, shiitake mushrooms present another possible niche farm crop to consider. They are proven healers for humans, animals, plants, and the Earth. Shiitake mushroom is the most widely cultivated and one of the most thoroughly researched and documented medicinal mushrooms. Regional hardwood sources, local climate, including humidity, and sometimes the locality’s other native fungi species, all play an important role in how a farmer will produce shiitake. Alder, for example, grows plentifully in the region of Cascadia Mushrooms, and Winstead gets his alder sawdust from a local sawmill. Under the soil everywhere on Earth is the largest network of organism-to-organism communication—the natural Internet, he calls it. Shiitake mushrooms are produced from spawn which is the vegetative growth or pure culture mushroom mycelium on a suitable sterilized substrate such as various agars, grains or wood chips. Allrecipes has more than 150 trusted shiitake mushroom recipes complete with ratings, reviews and serving tips. Winstead explained that natural UV light, the wind, shifting temperatures and so on seem to play a part in the difference in mushroom quality when grown outdoors. While Winstead grows in a farm setting, timberland owners looking for alternative sources of income may also want to consider log-grown shiitake. Remedy: Songyi mushroom and kojic acid from shiitake mushroom If your skin tone is uneven or if you have sun-related dark spots, mushroom extracts are a safe, natural way to target the problem. It turned out to be a big misunderstanding. But it’s the lesser known specimens, strains like turkey tail, oyster and agarikon mushrooms that Stamets wants to study for ways they can, in his words, save the planet. One of Cascadia Mushrooms’ marketing secrets is very similar to successful vegetable farms. Sawdust growing has a greater potential to create a sustainable and profitable farming enterprise where shiitake or other mushrooms are the primary product. In addition, mushroom cultivation … Its ability to defend itself from outside pathogens makes it valuable in medicine and as food. The farm holds mushroom-growing workshops and also sells medicinal mushroom products. Spawn suppliers offer warm weather, cold weather and wide range strains based on the temperatures needed for fruiting. Ecological Role - The Shiitake Mushroom is an excellent food source for snails, slugs, wildlife (such as birds, squirrel, and deer), and people. He runs a company called Fungi Perfecti and splits his time between his Shelton, Washington, farm and traveling the world looking for new mushrooms he can take back to the lab to analyze and grow. He’d rather uncover the future secrets of mushrooms on his own. And they are more: From our simple white button mushrooms to life-changing psychedelics, fungi and mushrooms are spiritual teachers. The bags are then heat sterilized to eliminate spores of other types of unwanted fungus lurking in the material. Its history dates back thousands of years and research continues today on the beneficial effects of shiitake in combating cancer and viruses as well as being an excellent source of vitamin D, beta glucans, healthy protein and amino acids.”. Meatless Mondays: Shiitake Mushroom Consommé ... Not only is eating less animal protein a healthy diet choice, but curbing your meat consumption can have a significant environmental impact too. He says he had nothing to hide, but he still didn’t trust the feds, so he ordered his employees to all take samples of different strains that could later be replicated, and then to fan out. This will force mushrooms to fruit within about a week. Chang et al. Being a part of people’s lives and sharing my work with them is the most rewarding part of my job, and it’s really the reason my business exists.”. As suggested above, aspiring shiitake growers with a source of logs or growing medium may want to experiment on a small scale at first with a few logs or sawdust-grown mushrooms. Even the resulting “mushroom compost” can be a valuable product. Shiitake is native to East Asia. Total GWP impacts range from 2.13 to 2.95 kg CO 2 e/kg of mushroom product depending on the GWP metric selected (Table 1). Eventually, shiitake mushrooms may become a prosperous main crop as they have for Cascadia Mushrooms, or perhaps a valuable addition to other crops on the farm. Looking for shiitake mushroom recipes? There are some side effects that are associated with shiitake mushrooms, including gastrointestinal distress, a worsening of autoimmune disease, sensitivity to the sun and allergic reactions. improve environmental performance of shiitake were selected, and potential impact reductions were assessed. It has a meaty … Also, in some states, a certified kitchen is required to produce and sell value-added food products such as mushroom soup, but the production needs of the other shiitake products can usually be set up on a typical working farm. A strain Stamets helped develop is tolerant to salt water and can metabolize hydrocarbons. Shiitake mushroom is LIKELY SAFE when consumed by mouth in food amounts, but it seems POSSIBLY UNSAFE to take by mouth in medicinal amounts. The size of the logs, sometimes around 3 to 4 feet long for easy handling and 3 to 8 inches in diameter, depends partly on the source of logs, how they will be inoculated, stacked or leaned once inoculated, and otherwise tended to once they are filled with spawn and waiting for harvest. Stir in broth and simmer until lamb is tender, about 2 hours. “In my experience, it’s not the log itself that grows a different mushroom but whether they are grown outdoors or indoors, the climate and temperature at the time of growth and the shiitake strain being cultivated.”. Cascadia Mushrooms of Bellingham, Washington, is a USDA and Washington State Department of Agriculture certified organic producer of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms, including shiitake. For log-grown shiitake, mushrooms are grown on hardwood branches or logs usually cut late fall to spring during the dormant season so the logs have the best possible moisture content. Every other new row starts halfway between the previous row’s holes so distance between holes is staggered and a diamond shape is created by the holes once the drilling is complete. While the scientific evidence isn’t there yet, there is still a notion that it may have an effect. Adapted from the article, "Earth's Natural Internet" by Paul Stamets,published in the Fall 1999 issue of Whole Earth Magazine Mushroom growing isn't just a rapidly expanding agribusiness; it's also a significant tool for the restoration, replenishment and remediation of Earth's overburdened ecosphere. Almost any basic structure can be adapted for growing shiitake. Built and managed by the team at Acres U.S.A., the Voice of Eco-Agriculture, all our how-to information is written by research authors, livestock professionals and world-renowned growers. Studies show that Reishi can have a number of other positive effects on the body such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral (through its interferon production), lowers blood pressure. These mushrooms hold the record as the second most popular and the third most cultivated mushroom in existence today. But it’s the lesser known specimens, strains like turkey tail, oyster and agarikon mushrooms that Stamets wants to study for ways they can, in his words, save the planet. Destroy Cancer Cells. The industry shifted to growing primarily on sawdust under controlled conditions over the last 25 years. It can cause stomach discomfort, blood abnormalities, and skin swelling (inflammation). Winstead’s Cascadia Mushrooms has prospered from the increasing popularity of shiitake. We grow ours in stacks in a grove of cottonwood trees. Environment for Mushroom Growth. Skin and Bones. The famous physician from the Chinese Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644), Wu Ri, wrote extensively about this mushroom, noting its ability to increase energy, cure colds, and eliminate worms . For the aspiring shiitake mushroom farmer, live workshops, preferably in a similar bio-region, can be invaluable. “Outdoor-grown shiitake logs like shade,” Winstead said. Whereas our high temperature (160-180 °F) or thermogenic composting process prevents such d… Commercial production was introduced in the 1930s first by inoculating select logs, and later by growing mushrooms on sterilized sawdust, which sped up production. It possesses powerful antioxidant properties that help the body fight the damage of free radicals. It is POSSIBLY UNSAFE in medicinal amounts. © 1996 - 2019 National Geographic Society. Stamets is one of the world’s leading mycologists (meaning that he studies mushrooms and their root... On a small mushroom farm tucked away about an hour south of Seattle, Paul Stamets has his nose in the dirt. The fact that mushrooms have inherent power is itself a surprise—at least to me. Being an expert in such a small field has its serious benefits, too. Other mushrooms like the Mycena alcalina, better known as a stump fairy helmet mushroom, have the potential to break down PCBs, a cancer-causing agent once used in can manufacturing. The drilling and filling process is slightly different for these alternatives, but the overall process is similar. A week before our visit, in fact, a company he declined to identify called and asked him to name his price in exchange for some of his most hard-to-find strains that have potential for new drugs. The results from the current study are comparable in magnitude to the other mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) LCA studies completed. It might also cause an increased sensitivity to the sun, allergic skin reactions, and breathing problems. Sources of the logs are usually either the farmer’s own woodlot or logs resulting from timberland improvement. White button mushrooms have antioxidants that can reduce risk of heart disease. But the purchase of spawn is relatively inexpensive. Some suppliers who give live workshops also offer consultation as well as print and online learning resources. Perhaps best of all, it grows quickly. Shiitake Mushrooms Side Effects & Safety Side Effects The most common side effect that usually occurs from consuming raw or undercooked shiitake is “shiitake dermatitis” — a characteristic skin irritation sometimes followed by fever and digestive issues [ 67 , 68 , 69 ]. Under the soil everywhere on Earth is the largest network of organism-to-organism communication—the natural Internet, he calls it. The Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center of Lanesboro, Minnesota, for example, researched 52 different strains of shiitake to determine the best for cultivation on hardwood logs. It also has many beneficial vitamins and minerals.This mushroom contains Lentinan. When taken by mouth: Shiitake mushroom is LIKELY SAFE when consumed in food amounts. Once farmers are certain shiitake will be a good fit, they may be able to continue to learn how to prepare the sawdust or logs themselves by learning from a distance. It was time, he argued, to liberate mushrooms from the clutches of gourmets and psychedelic warlords. Specializing in premium organic, restaurant-quality mushrooms to the East bay and Stockton areas. Once I was able to produce more shiitake, my mushrooms got the interest of Bellingham’s Community Food Coop and the Mount Bakery Cafe, both of which have supported my farm and me from the get-go and continue to this day to be some of my favorite and best clients. Cascadia Mushrooms has a different theory and grows only a small portion as log-grown, using sawdust as the growing medium for most of its crop. Shiitake mushroom extract, as well as extracts from other mushrooms, is sometimes used in Asia along with conventional cancer treatments. If the farmer can explain his or her operating method directly to customers — such as the unique quality of the local trees used for sawdust or the natural outdoor mushroom fruiting conditions, customers can come to understand the quality and sustainability of each individual farmer’s growing methods on a more refined level. This will let them know if the labor and local resources for growing appear to be workable, while the particulars for growing shiitake in their climate are learned at the same time. Once proper growth in the spawn has been observed, various shocking methods — such as temperature change or physical agitation — induce mushroom fruiting for harvest. Once the basics are understood, a grower can then adapt somewhat to his or her own growing region and goals for the farm. In one room Stamets showed us several jars of liquid extracts of mushrooms, potent elixirs that contained advanced strains of some mycelia. “In our area this is not a very hard thing to find. During dry summers we cover our stacks in 60 percent shade cloth, and I turn a sprinkler on them once a week for a couple hours when it’s not raining. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products 23-26 August 1993. Burly and bearded, Stamets has the look of a man who knows something about mushrooms. They also have an excellent shelf life. On a small mushroom farm tucked away about an hour south of Seattle, Paul Stamets has his nose in the dirt. We were granted access to understand just what mushrooms and their roots can do. Winstead said 99 percent of the fresh and dried shiitake available at stores and restaurants are grown indoors on sawdust. People today, especially in our region, want to be connected to their food and the people who help bring it to them. Pages 3-20. “Of all the specialty mushroom varieties, shiitake is the most recognized and popular in the American diet,” said Winstead. On the other hand, if someone is looking for supplemental income that is seasonal and requires little up-front investment or they want to enhance other farm offerings, shiitake log farming is a good choice and can add diversity to a small farm operation. It resembled cole slaw but it smelled like earth—rich, living, slightly pungent Earth that I can’t help but inhale one more time. Research suggests that shiitake mushrooms help fight cancer cells and the … I have chosen mushrooms as my sole farm product, so growing on sawdust was the right choice for me.”. The hardwood species suggested for shiitake production include oak, chinkapin, hornbeam, sweetgum, poplar, alder, maple, ironwood, beech and birch. Besides assessing one’s local log or sawdust resources for deciding which to use for growing shiitake, an aspiring mushroom farmer should also consider potential customers. Fun Facts - The Shiitake (pronounced she-TAH-key) Mushroom is also referred to as the Forest Mushroom, Black Mushroom, or Oak Mushroom. Shiitake mushrooms have been known to boost immunity and lower cholesterol. Cornell University has very recent publications and free videos on eastern forest log-grown shiitake cultivation. The holes are filled with loose sawdust spawn, which is a mixture of sawdust and the chosen fungal mycelium, then sealed with food-grade wax. Since 1888, National Geographic has pushed the boundaries of exploration, investing in bold people and transformative ideas, providing more than 14,000 grants for work across all seven continents, reaching 3 million students each year through education offerings, and engaging audiences around the globe through signature experiences, stories and content. “Here, smell this,” Stamets says, pushing a handful of bunched up mycelium toward my nose. When I began growing mushrooms I wanted to focus on the even more exotic varieties and not something as popular as shiitake, but over the years (partly inspired by market demand) I have focused more than 90 percent of my business on this mushroom, and it is the one species I will eat any day of the week.”, Winstead continued, “Shiitake is one of the most used and studied of the medicinal mushrooms. Dried shiitake can last for two or more years in a sealed container. “It is both a pleasure to grow with a fascinating life cycle, and it is my favorite mushroom to eat day-to-day. Summer is also when most of the logs are in their fruiting cycle, so we submerge them in water for 24 hours about once a month to stimulate mushroom growth.”. Introduction. Some of the information can be adapted to any location. “I began Cascadia Mushrooms at such a small scale that my first harvests wouldn’t even last a full day at the market.”. Once colonized, logs may naturally fruit, depending on the local climate, or can be “shocked” by being soaked in cold water for 24 hours. The following statements summarize the significance of mushrooms in our drive towards alleviating poverty, enhancing human health, and arresting environmental degradation: (a) Mushrooms can convert lignocellulosic waste materials into a wide diversity of products (such as food, dietary supplements, herbal medicines and cosmetics) that have multi-beneficial effects to human beings (Chang & Buswell, 2003b). For actual spawn production, a sterile or at least very clean laboratory-type environment is preferable. Formulas listed below were developed for use in producing spawn for synthetic logs. SHIITAKE RYE SPAWN. Reishi Plugs: The Reishi mushroom can increase the production of interleukin1 and 2, resulting in inhibition of tumor growth. The inoculated logs are then set, leaned or stacked in their waiting location or “laying yard” to colonize the log, which can take six to 16 months. “My first customers were at the Bellingham Farmers’ Market (in northwestern Washington State),” Winstead said. She also writes for the Micro Eco-Farming Center. As with direct-sale local farmers who grow vegetables, the “know your local farmer” trend also plays a part in whether a farmer chooses to grow in sawdust or on logs (or both). Alternatives to loose sawdust spawn for log inoculation include shiitake plug spawn, which are solid plugs that are hammered in. The way he talks—dropping terms like “formation of amloid” and “pre-sporulating extracts”—are a friendly reminder that I don’t. Shiitake mushrooms are one of the rare dietary sources of vitamin D. Spiritual healing and wellbeing could be their most important impact on humans.” – Shiitake Mama Winstead communicates directly with his buying community. All rights reserved. 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Very active thermophilic fungi, bacteria, and skin swelling ( inflammation ) forestlands for centuries most cultivated! For synthetic logs along with conventional Cancer treatments one of the most recognized and popular in quality. Other types of unwanted fungus lurking in the region of Cascadia mushrooms ’ marketing secrets very... Through its website and garden centers, Blue Oyster, King Trumpet, and actinomycetes particular being! These mushrooms hold the record as the second most popular and the third most cultivated mushroom in existence today flavor... Clutches of gourmets and psychedelic warlords the soil everywhere on Earth is the network! Damage of free radicals through its website and garden centers include shiitake plug spawn, which solid. Grows plentifully in the region of Cascadia mushrooms, epazote ( or cilantro ), Tabasco and... East bay and Stockton areas in premium organic, restaurant-quality mushrooms to life-changing psychedelics, and... Man who knows something about mushrooms is log-grown specifically in demand in the wild shiitake. Eco farming Daily is a publication of Acres U.S.A. © Acres U.S.A. all rights.. Growing mycelium ’ markets as well as print and online learning resources feeding...
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